Endometrial Cancer

Hello everyone

i am new to this forum, happy to have found it! 

I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in December 2017. I’ve had a hysterectomy, chemotherapy and finished Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy  approx one month ago.

feel a bit in limbo after having so many weeks of daily trips to hospital. Having a few emotional ups and downs. 

Hoping to return to work in the couple of months..... does anyone have experience of coping in work after a cancer diagnosis? 

Looking forward to sharing experiences with with fellow warriors 


  • Thanks Rosesforever! I will keep you updated. xxxx

  • Hi everyone 

    would love an update on how your all doing. I am due a scan and a hystroscopy (think that's what it's called) as I had a polyp removed and a blind womb biopsy that showed thick lining. Consultant said no abnormal cells were present but wants to have a full look at my womb. I don't have regular periods due to pcos and I don't think I ovulate (been trying to get pregnant) he mentioned the mirena coil to help shed the lining regular. I'm terrified as I have been googling (I know I shouldn't) and I have seen lots of horror stories. I feel totally lost and alone as nobody I know has been through anything like this. I'm just praying it is all normal and just a thick lining.

  • Hope you don't mind me hopping in here. My mum got her biopsy results on Friday which revealed cancerous cells. She had an mri Monday and we go for a meeting with the consultant next week. I'm so devastated and struggling not to think the worse. The consultant told her she would need a hysterectomy and radiotherapy but obviously we don't know how bad it is yet. This comes 2 years after my brother was diagnosed with leukemia. I have a 1 year old daughter and I'm trying to stay strong for her. 

  • Hiya I have just been diagnosed with grade 3 stage 1 and now have the dilemma of weather to have my lymph nodes removed I'm thinking if it's contained in the womb it shouldn't have gone to lymph nodes xx

  • The problem with not checking lymph nodes at least the sentinel nodes, is that you will never know if it has spread. I'm certainly not a fan of taking a lot of nodes, my surgeon took 35 of mine, all negative which was totally unnecessary.  I haven't posted for awhile because of all of my side effects. I hate to discourage women from treatment beyond a hysterectomy but my horrific side effects have been from radiation & some from the surgery. I know All of my side effects are unusual, or so I've been told, but they have impacted my quality of life 2 years later and there is no end in sight. . I wish you all good health & happiness!!

  • Thankyou for your reply everyone is so different I'm only 3 weeks in from my operation and all healed on outside and I feel I could do all the things I shouldn't be doing walking normal feel good no pain don't feel ill at all I hope your problems soon solve Hun not nice for you xx

  • Hi there, nust came across your post and would be interested to hear if you suffered any side effects from radiotherapy/ brachytherapy as some of them are quite scary.  I was diagnosed in December and underwent radical hysterectomy stage 2 grade 3.  Had one chemotherapy which was stopped as body could not handle it.  Now consultant is suggesting 25 radiotherapies and 3 brachytherapies but im worried about side effects.  Any info / advice would be much appreciated.   Thank you.  

  • I'm reluctant to reply because my side effects are uncommon I've been told. 
    I was 73 2/2/2018 when I had my hysterectomy then 25 external radiation 1 brachytherapy. 
    I had radiation cystitis which got better after 20 treatments of HBOT. I've had Many UTIS, total bladder incontinence & some fecal incontinence. I've had Botox to relax my bladder due to radiation and coaptite to close my urethra which has worked slightly. All of providers have suggested a bladder diversion. I have one kidney functioning at 18% due to ureter stricture radiation induced consequencly I have a kidney stent for life. I was dx 2 weeks ago with radiation proctitis but I need another study. 
    im sorry I hate to be a downer. I rarely reply about my radiation treatment. Your grade is more aggressive than mine was. I was stage 3b grade 1. 
    most women fair well with radiation depending on age & health. I was very healthy and very active. 
    I don't want to scare you off. You need to do what your health providers suggests. I hope this has been helpful. Please continue to ask questions. Hugs,, and good luck and good health. 

  • I had similar situation to yours last summer. I'm 32, I have pcos, a small fibroid and I had cervical CIN2-3.I was told that my heavy prolonged bleeding was due to those reasons and was given medication for years to stop the bleed every time it happened until last spring the period would not stop for over 5 weeks. Ultrasound showed abnormally thick uterine walls, they took biopsy which came back with no abnormalities. I couldn't get mirena coil as the procedure was too painful! To be fair gyne wanted to fit it right after the biopsy, but the biopsy itself was extremely painful she had to stop it(luckily she did manage to get smth). They've put me on cerazette. Bleeding stopped for 9 month and now I am bleeding again for 2 weeks with period cramps.  I'm not really sure what's going on with my body. Apparently it is common to bleed on a mini pill, so maybe all's fine. The idea of having to try the coil fitted again freaks me out, but at the time they said it's the best solution.

  • Hi sorry this is old post but wondering if u give give advice, I’m 1a just got upgraded from a 2 to a 3, but they never took any nodes as stage was low, I’m waiting on more tests on my womb as they say as high grade now the cancer might have changed, apart from the fear of this I’m worried as others with grade 3 hv nodes tested. Can I ask if this is how it was for you please and if they found any in your nodes.