Anal squamous cell cancer

Is there anyone on here who has had anal squamous cell cancer x

  • Hi Gilliebean

    I agree the waiting is definitely the worst bit and I was the same when I got diagnosed couldn’t find anyone else who had been through it. As you’ll see from my post above I’m now 11 weeks post treatment and doing really well I’ve still to get a scan in February but from my last examination about three weeks weeks ago there was no sign of the tumour so I am staying positive. 

    I don’t know where the y live but I’m in Glasgow and got amazing support from the Beatson and in particular my specialist nurse. I also went and still go to the Maggies centres they’re great. 

    If there is anything you want to ask me please feel free to message me as I wish I had had someone to talk to when I was starting out. 

    Wishing you well over the coming weeks

    Kind regards Sandra


  • Hi Janelucia

    I had been thinking about you and hoping you are getting on ok - I know it’s not easy but try to stay positive and be kind to yourself rest when you  can and even though I’m sure there will be days that are hard you will get through it.

    I had  a countdown calendar and found it good to score off every day after another treatment was completed. Anything to try and stay positive.

     Take care 

    kind regards Sandra


  • Sandra, do you know how big your tumour was at the start x

  • Hi it was T2 and was bigger than 2 but less than 5cm’s I don’t know if that helps or not - have they told you about the size of yours? x

  • T2 N1 M0 is what I've been told 

  • Hi

    Are you getting chemo and radiotherapy?

    One of the best bits of advice I got was just take it a day at a time and write down any questions you have (when they pop into your head - for me usually at 3 in the morning) and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor/nurse or radiographer they are the ones that can help you most. 

    I hope you have lots of support around you as you can feel very lonely at times.



  • Oh wow I didn't expect a response so quickly, it is comforting to know that I am not alone with this type of cancer mine had already spread to one of my lymph nodes in the groin which they have removed as they couldn't find the primary , I had a colonoscopy and a sigmoidoscopy but they missed it both times, mine was picked up on a pet scan and then a biopsy done which confirmed the site. I ve been worried about the length of treatment because the surgeon told me 6 months! Seems rather a long time I m wondering if he meant 6 weeks!  Also the waiting for treatment is worrying as I keep thinking it may be spreading, I phoned the cancer nurse and she told me not to worry as the chemo would get any stray cells but I still can't help worrying. It's embarrassing isn't it being anal !  

  • Forgot to say I m having chemo and radiotherapy

  • I'm having both over a six week period. First and last week is chemo.  The chemo us 5FU and I carry it with me in a small baby like bottle x


  • Hello 

    Yes I found it quite hard to come to terms with too -  hate the word “anal” so it was “bum” cancer all the way for me - had to joke about it was only way I could deal with it! Can’t believe there are now three of us on here with the same thing!

    I was lucky in that I didn’t need surgery and had 6 weeks chemo radiation - as I said to JaneLucia please don’t be afraid to ask questions at first I felt like I was being a Nusiance  but as my specialist nurse pointed it / it was me going through it and I had every right to ask and get answers. 

    Mine got picked up after a colonoscopy that my doctor arranged after an examination and I was very lucky in that it was all dealt with really quickly. 

    Hopefully after your planning session on the 10th you will feel a bit more in control. 

    Take care thinking of you

    Kind regards Sandra x