The good and the bad

Hi peeps

I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Taking the excellent advice on this website I pretty much started by taking it one day at a time. This does indeed help. 

I thought to share the good and the bad and would love to hear anyone else's should they wish to share.

Today I had both a good and a bad moment. I received 2 letters in the post.

The first was from the hosp confirming my op date (my bad moment) cos my stomach dropped and I had that now familiar feeling of anxiousness take hold for a moment but shook it off cos I know it is needed. 

The good - my 2nd letter - as if... a tax rebate - boom  . Not half put a much needed smile on my face . Reckon a my treat family meal is in order.

Eeee it's the little things ain't it. 

Take care peeps 

Sandra x ️X


  • So sorry to read how things have been going for you lass. Sounds a bigger op than last time .... rooting for clear margins like last time.

    All the snow has gone here ..hope the same for you so your treatment can get back on track. I never understand how this country grinds to a halt with a bit of snow... sigh.

    what the heck is it we have to fight to be listened to. you tell em lass. 

    You rest up, listen to your body and only do what you feel able to. Sending the most heartfelt yet gentlest of hugs ️



  • Thank you Jolamine .... I am indeed enjoying the small break but... you as always are right, a short break will be long enough. 

    Any word on your scans yet? Times not half a ticking.

    take care x

  • How lovely to hear from you sundial ️

    Your hubby not half scares the wits out of you does he. So glad his brush with COVID thankfully proved a non event. hopefully he will be home  soon.

    Well the results of your cataract op ain't half disappointing... hopefully the laser treatment proves more successful.

    Well oh my, how lush is Teddy... he is adorable. Bet he's a bit of a love hugging handful :happy:

    don't be a stranger.. love hearing from you x





  • Evening peeps 

    bad :- none yay!

    good:- snow pretty much all gone here and forecast for warmer it.

    Netflix is still one of my best friends lol. I'm currently binge watching Criminal Minds... from s1 I'm on s11.... it's a rewatch from when I used to have to wait a wk for next episode... how things change!

    I'm still  enjoying my crafting Pinterest is another of my friends lol.

    Here's hoping your day has been as good as it can be peeps... take care x


  • Margins were clear thankfully and nodes. Infection set in last week but am getting stronger day by day. Oncologist on wed.

    Query to pose:

    I had low grade cancer last time in right breast. Stats show that with lumpectomy and radiation the chance of it coming back in other breast or recurrence is 4-6% over 20 years.

    3 years down the line, had grade 3 in left breast. My gut is not happy with it being treated in same way with radiation.

    How many on here have had a mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy? What was your experience? Has it been effective in prevention of recurrence?

  • Oh it was your other breast.... I thought it was your rib. So did you have lumpectomy again. 

    When I opted for lumpectomy my consultant implied that if it came back I would have mastectomy. Guess the question i should have asked was if it came back same breast or other the sounds of your treatment offer being the same it's because it's the other breast? 

    you have posed a good question. X



    HI Jbains,

    I am so sorry to hear that you now have an infection and hope that it clears up soon. However, it's great news that your margins and nodes were clear.

    Mine was a very low grade cancer - pure mucinous carcinoma, grade 1. I was told that if I had to have breast cancer, this was the best type to have. Six months after my lumpectomy I found a larger lump in my other breast. Fortunately, upon testing and biopsy this was benign. Six months after that I found another lump in the original breast and wasn't so fortunate, so had the double mastectomy. 

    As you know I was examined by my GP in early November and referred to the breast clinic. My consultant has retired since I had my last surgery and the new consultant wrote to me saying that there is little likelihood of this type of cancer spreading, so she wasn't going to give me an appointment. Fortunately, my GP knows about the other lumps, so she said that she was happy to refer me again.

    When I went for my appointment, I saw a junior doctor, who said that she would do a bone scan, CT with contrast, X-ray, refer me to my cardiologist and arrange for me to have a 72 hour blood pressure monitor. As I had an MRI at the beginning of last year, she didn't think that I needed another.

    Well, I got my bone scan and, received another letter from my consultant saying that my bone scan didn't show up any secondary cancer, so she had cancelled all of my other appointments. Needless to say, I wasn't happy about this, as this wouldn't have picked up a third primary. I have since had an x-ray of my leg and am still waiting for the results of this. I have also got an appointment through for a CT for next week, so I am still waiting on results. I am hopeful that the symptoms I've been having may be due to other causes and not breast cancer, so will let you know when I find out.

    I can understand why you are not happy to be treated with radiotherapy for this now, but presume that Sandra is right and that this is because that this is the other breast. Have you discussed this with your oncologist and what was the reply? I hope that you have drawn up a list of questions for Wednesday. 

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Sandra yes it's come back in other breast and lumpectomy is their first course of action so they can gain more information about the cancer and to ensure it hasn't spread to nodes.

    The genetics test will help reveal as well the risks of spread and where - according to stats. Don't think I'm falling within these stats.

    So hence am questioning it all and don't feel reassured. But hopefully on wed I may get some answers but am getting a second opinion as well. I don't want to be in this position again. It's been tougher physically this time and challenging!

  • Jolamine I can almost feel what you have gone through. You are my inspiration and a very tough lady! I hope they don't find anything this time and you are so right to push for what you feel is right.

    We are all individuals and cancer works with our dna - not sometimes with the stats or in that box. The medical teams are doing their best and what they're trained for and my hat off to them. We are very fortunate to have the nhs in the uk.

    I do hope you receive the care you need and it is not the dreaded "c" - such a *** disease! Pls keep us posted.


    Hi Jbains,

    You are right about the NHS. We are extremely fortunate to have it, but sometimes people fall through the cracks. It has happened to us both too often to let it happen again. We're obviously both outwith the stats, but here's hoping that you get some reassuring news on Wdnesday.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx