My dad. Prostate cancer,

I just wanted to update the forum about my dads prostate cancer. He is 81 and diagnosed two years now. It is CRPC. Following unsuccessful hormone therapy, he the went for radium 223 injections, but only able for four out of six as the effected his bone marrow and the haemoglobin dropped to 8.7 . 

Then he started falling and loosing power in his legs. He was admitted to hospital where it was discovered he has spinal cord compression in several places. So radiothapy beams are being done now for five days. Apparently spinal cord compression is treated as a medical emergency. He is loosing heart, and full of morphine and starting to give up. 

The hospice doctor wanted him to have this treatment. But he said it may not prolong life. It's so hard and so sad. He's slowly going downhill and crys a lot. There is a very real fear of the Unknown, facing death and not being able to escape. So I will update the form in a few days when we see if the spinal cord compression is relieved.

thank you

  • Thanks

    she phoned me this morning at 5am from his mobile phone, I called it back. She said he was dying.

     I got dressed and my husband drove me straight to the hospice. 

    We were met by the nurse who said he had just passed.

    she said it was peaceful and in his sleep, then I went into his room. 

    I will never forget the sight that greeted me.

    My dad Michael was gone. All I saw was a corpse. My heart broke. God bless him.

    His denture was out, and I could barely recognise him. I kissed his head.

    my mother and sister were praying the rosary frantically at 5.15am. My sister was shaking. I asked my mother , how many more decades of the rosary was she saying and she stopped, packed his case and left.

    i was alone in the room with daddy, I 

  • I am so sorry to hear about your dad pudsey2tails. Our deepest condolences from the Cancer Chat team. 

    Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. 

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Oh thank you Renata, 

    it's just awful, I am devasted

    he was the most beautiful gentleman you ever met. He was from blackheath,  London, but lived here in Ireland for 56years.

    he loved England, the queen and Royal family. 

    Such  a wicked sense of humour. Dads army and Arthur Lowe were the favourites.

    how am I ever going to move on? 


  • I'm sure your dad was a lovely man, pudsey2tails and I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it is for you right now.

    Grief is different for everyone so it's tough to say how you are going to move on but do try to take one day at a time and see how you feel, baby steps.

    When you feel ready, have a look at this page: it might help you a bit.

    And please remember, we'll always be here for you when you need a chat.

    Best wishes,


  • Hello again, I just wanted to come back and tell you what happened after my father died. We went through the motions of his funeral and fragile and all as we were we got there.

    My mother aged 77 wasn't too bad at all. I stayed with her every Wednesday and my sister visited every weekend. 

    Then six weeks later on the 27 th June my sister aged 54 died suddenly. I was totally shocked, and so so very sad. 

    She was married for 13 years. 

    She was older then me and was my mentor. She was my inspiration and I loved her unconditionally. She had haemochromatosis. She also had a terrible addiction to alcohol. Her liver was cirrossed and when dad died she just drank and drank. She hadn't worked for three months and just couldn't cope with his death. 

    I am all my mother has now. She has become very unkind and demanding. She fell and tore ligaments in her knee and has to wear a leg brace. She complaints continuously to me about everything and anything. I think she just resents me being alive and my sister dead. It's such a difficult situation. I have haemochromatosis too but she doesn't care when I go for my treatment. 

    My sister is buried beside my dad. I took a month off work and went back to work a couple of weeks ago.

    Life goes on. My daughter is a law student and has still to sit her deferred exams.

    loosing my dad and then my sister is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I know with time it will get easier, but right now it's tough. 



  • Oh pudsey2tails, I'm so very sorry to hear about your sister! I can't begin to imagine what an incredibly difficult time this must be for you and your mum.

    Please know our thoughts are with you at this difficult time and that we are here if you need a chat.

    Warm wishes,
