Does being metastatic rob you of being a survivor?

i have always considered myself to be a breast cancer survivor and being metastatic has not changed that.  I have "survived" for almost ten years since my first diagnosis, albeit for nine of those years, I hoped that it was gone for good.  I have felt that if anything being metastatic has made me more determined to make the most of my life while I have it and "surviving" is harder, knowing that you have to battle with the dark days.  Today is one such day.  I have become unsettled and alone tonight as I read a discussion on another chat room where other metastatic posters suggested that they did not see themselves as survivors.  I guess we all feel differently but I suppose I feel afraid that one day when I am further down the road when my treatment options to to keep me alive are fewer, I will lose that feeling of being a survivor.  I suppose I feel alone tonight as so many of my metastatic sisters and brothers feel so differently to me.  I do "get" that some associate the term "survivor" with the pink ribbon ie that we will get better when we wont.  I have seen some people who are metastatic almost shut people out who have early breast cancer  because they can't possibly understand what it's like.  This does sadden me but I do understand.  We have all to cope in whatever way we can and everyone feels differently.  What ever stage you are at, cancer is devastating and changes your life forever.