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Is there any Colon Cancer Patient using Carrot Juice.

Is there any Colon Cancer Patient using Carrot Juice and if so what is there experience .

Kind Regards


  • Hi Brikee

    Will do. My scan was postponed until September 19/16 and I am to get my results on Sept 26/16. By that time I will have drank about a liter and 1/2 of carrot juice per day for 5 months.

    I'm feeling very good and have put on about 25 lb.

    Keep checking this site for my reply in another month.  Good or bad you'll hear from me



  • Hi Barry, That's great to hear the weight you have gained. Out of curiosity what is your diet like now? With hubby I have him eating more healthy stuff like oatmeal w blueberries flax, green smoothies, salmon etc. when I am not around he will eat stuff not so healthy. I feel like the carrot juice is working though. He isn't in pain any more and is eating more too. So thankful for this. Brikee
  • Hi SMA , I have read the internet regarding carrot juice, I had my kidney removed 3 months ago 5.5 cm tumour in the middle, but I am having a scan on the 2cnd of september as I have 3 nodules in my lung that they say one looks suspicious, so i am waiting.

    I have read so much on the internet about carrot juice, garlic , diet changes even people using some for of cannabis oil or some derivative of canabis. 

    At the moment i am eating about 6 cloves of garlic every day, making nutribullet drink of strwberries, blueberries and raspeberries every morning and taking carrot juice and ginger in the afternoons. 

    Absolutly no idea if it will help , there doesnt seem to be any real evidence on the internet of people having success, most of the things you read on the internet , are old, no real news currently ie 2016, so 

    will carrot juice help... I dont know, 

    Also it is so hard to understtand the best diet to eat, for kidney cancer there are american sites that say avoid all dairy products, cut down protien, we know to avoid sugar cakes etc, but I cannot find any real information on what to eat as a truelly balanced diet. I emeailed my surgeon 3 weeks ago and asked and as yet no reply.

    yes I have seen articles where people have taken carrot juice and their cancer has vanished, I read the same on a lady that says she cured her cancer by eating pineapple every day , plus recently the article about the gentleman that says his brain tumours have shrunk due to a high fat protein diet, this was in the newspapers this last week.. 

    I think the most interetsing article recently is the one about the doctors that have found a way to make aspirin into a completly soluble form that can pass the brain blood barrier and help deliver the medicines into the brain , but again clinical trials are at least 2 years away... we live in hope and thats all we can do




  • Dear Alan , best of luck and Congratulation that you are fighting your illness with alterative means at so early stage, They say 2 and a 1/2 kg of Carrot Juice which you have not mentioned how much you drank ,I did drink it for about 6 months even more ,but Tumour in Lungs from Colon cancer did grow, they have changed my regimen of Chemo and I have reduced intake of Carrot juicing to just few glasses hope for best. I am also making smithy of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries every afternoon and am on Just Vegetarian diet since last 6 months. Why have not they started you on Chemotherapy ,why are they sitting on it and Watching and Waiting, question which you should ask to your Oncologist. Please if you find any favourable article do let me know. Kind Regards SMA.
  • Hi Barry,

    Any news? How are you doing?



  • Hi Birkee Sorry to take so long getting back to you. My CT scan in September showed negative results, so I wasn't very happy. It showed two new tumors, one in my lung and a second tumor on my liver. But...I kept on Juicing anyway. 5 pounds of carrots each day. Then on November 23/16 I had another CTscan and guess what? The tumor on my lung had disappeared and the largest tumor on my liver had shrunk by 4mm leaving the new and smallest tumor on my liver the same size. I continue to drink my carrot juice each day and am scheduled for another CT scan at the end of January/17 This scan will confirm my results from November and hopefully show continued shrinkage of my tumors. I am not taking anything medically such as cancer drugs, radiation or chemo, only carrot juice. I have increased my carrot juice to 1 lbs of carrots pet 30 lbs of my weight so I am now Juicing 6lbs of carrots pet day. I'll keep you posted, right now I have only good news to tell you. Barry
  • Hi Barry

    This is your space, and it is great to exchange tips on things that have helped you.  But for everyone's safety I do need to remind you to stick to our terms and conditions and not to promote things that claim to be cancer cures. This is because many therapies have not been scientifically tested in the same way as conventional treatments. You might want to look at our blog which investigates so called Miracle Cures and you'll see why we don't permit people to make unsubstantiated claims on our forum

    Also some complementary therapies may interact with other medicines you are on, making the conventional treatment less effective, so do check them out with your doctor before taking any.  Sometimes their interactions and side effects may not be known and giving up your conventional cancer treatment could reduce your chance of curing or controlling your cancer.

    Some alternative therapies can also be dangerous. We have a section on our website about complementary and alternative therapies which it may be good to look at.  There is also information on our website about the difference between complementary and alternative therapies

    We're really pleased to hear that you're currently feeling well and your cancer hasn't advanced any further however we would just ask you to be mindful of our rules when posting on Cancer Chat

    Best wishes

    Moderator Sarah


  • Hi Sarah

    I am having a bad time this year, if you see some of my posts, and I think that sometimes people and I cannot speak for everyone, but sometimes I just sit on google and thats when all these unfounded pages come up. Now ive stopped reading them , because inevitably on some of these sites they must have ways of obtaining your IP address or email address, ive had so many spam emails in the last 6 months after looking at these sites. All suggesting this book or this medicine... 

    It is hard to know sometimes what to eat as a balanced diet.. eg last week the daily mail dont eat chocolate as it contains palm oil , then you read about palm oil and its in bread , processed food even a mince pie... 

    Im sticking as best I can to a balanced diet of natural veg, fruit fish , balancing it all as best I can with a small ammount of dairy ... green teas... etc... alan

  • Hi Alan, i'm so sorry to hear you're having such a bad time at the moment. I hope you get the help and support you need here at Cancer Chat and please do speak to one of our nurses if you need any clarification. We'll take care to sign post you to useful and accurate information but if you are looking more widely on the Internet you might find this handy guide from our website useful to refer to.

    With best wishes

    Moderator Sarah

  • Hello SMA, just wondering how you got on?  My uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer few weeks ago and is in a really bad shape.  He is on radiotherapy and unable to drink much so we've started with half a glass, but I dont think that's enough?  Just wondering if it helped you ultimately?