Hand and Foot Syndrome - Capecitabine and something 'not very nice' that happened yesterday

Hi All ...... The Capecitabine chemo drug I am on is causing me H&F syndrome. My feet feel like they are burning and are swelling underneath on the 'padded' areas. I havent meantioned it to my consultant at this point as it is manageable and I do not want him taking me off the drug because of the risk to me of cancer recurrence.  I have ony just completed my first two cycles of eight. Has anyone else had this difficulty? or  have any tips on creams etc which will help keep it at bay?     . Many thanks         Max x

  • Good morning ladies,

    Max, Jo, Annabel and Lorriane, I hope you don't mind me butting in but I just wanted to say that some of the comments you ladies have posted on here have had me in fits of laughter. Yes cancer is a serous disease but I truly believe that if we get the opportunity to have a good laugh then we should grab it with both hands. For laughter is free and it's also infectious and lift our spits better than most things. It is often the best medicine of all and tastes better than most medicines I've ever tasted.So I just wanted to say I don't think your being flippant at all. Jo, I was talking to someone the other day and I told them about what you wrote to me, when you said the N.H. S. should bottle me and prescribe me as a mood enhancer. I had to laugh when you wrote that.

    You ladies are all very brave and courageous ladies who I admire very much. Although suffering, you all give freely of your time to help others on here and what you write is composed so well. Keep up the udderly fantastic humour and I look forward to what you all write next.

    Take care all of you, sending best wishes to you all, a smiling Brian

  • Hi Brian, you can butt in any time. Now, I've taken the liberty of speaking for the other women here, but I'm sure they would agree with me. I've read many of your posts and you are really prompt and supportive in welcoming new posters to this forum. Further to that, you always seem to have the right words to say, regardless of the situation. Getting back to the "ladies" and "gent" with regard to our silly humor; I'm sure we all have our times when we don't feel like laughing at all, and we can respect people at those times, as well as giving ourselves permission to just crawl under the covers and wallow in it for awhile. We have earned the right to do that on occasion, as long as we don't make a habit of it. That's why being able to give and receive support works so well. I'll be interested in hearing how the udder cream works and look forward to staying in touch with all of you.

    Take care and have a good Sunday. Hugs to all.


  • Hi Brian,

    Thank you for your kind wishes and complimentary words to us all. I'm glad our thread made you chuckle. Amazing that something as simple as some foot cream can promote so much humour and laughter! It certainly cheered up my Saturday evening and proved informative too as I will certainly be investing in some Udder cream if I get the sore feet associated with taking Capecitabine.

    Sorry to read on another thread that your cold is still having some lasting effects! Also, that the tasks you attempted yesterday didn't quite go as planned!

    Your description about the banter between you and Mrs B made me smile . . . As ever, the mood enhancer, Brian!

    I think the packaging that the NHS use when they 'bottle' you, should carry a warning about "A possible 'nutty' aftertaste" when taking this medicine!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday,

    Fond wishes, Jo

    p.s. Also wholeheartedly agree with Lorraine's comments about your wonderful support on here! x

  • Hi Ladies,

    Thanks for the replies. Something else to make you all smile, I hope. Part of my treatment for my prostate cancer was hormone therapy and one of the side effects has been, wait for it, HOT FLUSHES. Although my treatment ended about 16 months ago I still have them at night but the last three days they have returned during the daytime with a vengeance. I get no sympathy from Mrs B as guess what, she says "Now you know what we women have to suffer". These hot flushes give me no warning at al, bang and their there. At one time my wife and I were competing with each other to see who had the most and I was way out in front in gold medal position. I had one of these at the doctors the other week and he told me he could give me something for them but I told him that would mean my wife had an unfair advantage so no thanks.

    It also made me put on weight and my wife has said I've grown man boobs and offered me one of her cast off boob holders. Cheeky devil. See what I have to put up with???? Don't expect to get much sympathy as you ladies all stick together.

    Joking aside ladies, I regard it as a small price to pay for the great results I've had.

    Take care best wishes, Brian

  • Just a little update .... started using Udderly Smooth on Monday and wow has it helped!  Burning sensation gone, swelling gone down and no redness. Thank you so much for that tip!!!! Love to everyone xxxx

  • Hi Max,

    Sounds like an Udderly good outcome to me. Just goes to show the value of this site.

    Take care, best wishes to you and your family, Brian.

  • yep - Im over the moooooon!  You are right, the site is invaluable in many ways - the biggest being for me is that I dont feel so alone with it all cos sometimes in 'normal' life I feel very isolated - here I know there is a little community just like me who understand. Hope your virus is better Brian and the power surges are not stopping you sleeping, Take care and love to Mrs Brian xxx

  • Hi Max,

    I was going to ask you how the cream is going. It sounds like a big success. I am so pleased for you.

    Does it tell you what conditions you can generally use it for. It sounds like something to remember.

    Udder sucess then.

    Annabel xx.

  • Hi Max,

    Thanks for the udder cream update. It was  obviously worth getting! I've had 1st infusion today and already suffering pins and needles as predicted by hospital. But this is from the Oxaliplatin not the Capecitabine.

    They gave me another massive bottle of Diprobase for my 'hooves' but I think I'll be ordering some udder cream. Especially as I dont like the smell of the Diprobase!

    Take care, big hugs, Jo xxx

  • Just been reading this very amoosing thread.  May have to purchase some of this cream  so I've milked the advice on here for all I was worth.  Unfortunately, my latest scan has shown two tiny new suspicious areas in my liver but the medics are not sure as the scan wasn't clear enough for the lesions to be confirmed.  I have to go back for another scan in January and hopefully they will be nothing but it is likely they will be new liver lesions and I will be back on chemo ..... Guess what... Our friend, Capecitabine!  I'm pretty gutted - things had been going so well with 2 clear scans since April.  I was really hoping that I could get a year following the FEC/T chemo but I fear that within six months, the liver problems may be back and I'll be on the next line of chemo.  It's scary knowing that you have cancer growing in you and you have to wait and see what your fate will be.  Has anyone else on here had the experience of a scan not being clear and then having to wait for another scan a few months later?