Worried about upcoming surgery for lung cancer. What are the waiting times like for this procedure?

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in February I've had a pet scan and it hasn't spread anywhere else I've spoken to the surgeon and the plan is to cut the cancer out and depending on the type of cancer it is I might have to have some chemo as well does anyone know the waiting time for  this type of procedure 

  • Hi Garratty,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It's difficult to advise on this, as it depends on each person's situation as well as the current waiting times in their particular hospital or area.

    Usually your doctor/specialist would give you an idea of how long to expect to wait. If you haven't been given any information on this and don't have any appointments planned yet, you can give your doctor or the hospital a call to ask.

    It's of course important that you know what to expect, so do give them a call if you're unsure of anything.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    It took two months for all my tests and biopsy to be carried out. I ended up having a rare mutation so shrinking the tumour first wouldn't have worked it needed to be removed.

    There was a six week wait in my area but once I saw the surgeon I was fitted in a few days later due to the size of the tumour and the location which was near the windpipe. They were worried in case it spread to the windpioe.

    I would suggest contacting the cancer nurses. Hopefully they've given you their direct contact details. I'm sure the surgeon will look at your individual situation and prioritise.

    They ended up removing the left lower lobe and a swgment of the upper lobe and lymph nodes. I had my surgery on 10th March and I'm feeling really well, walking lots, doing things around the house etc.

    I hope you get your surgery date soon. If I can help with any questions or worries you have please reach out. 

    Best wishes.
