Lobular breast cancer

Hi I received a copy of the letter from hospital to Gp yesterday, I was surprised to read that my cancer is 23mm and 5mm from my nipple, it is a grade 2 … MRI has been completed and just waiting to find out if anything else has been found, I am so low and after finding out on 3rd half of me isn’t accepting it and the other half of me is worried about dying. I’m a single mum to a 21y o with severe mental health, I’m not talking to people about how I feel, I’m so worried and frightened 

  • Well I’ve finally got my appointment date for MRI results but it’s in 13 days and not sure how my anxiety will be as my stomach is in knots now and can’t eat.

  • Oh crumbs that really is a long time to wait. I really feel for you having to go through such a long time not knowing.

    Could you contact your breasr care nurse and ask if there's any way a closer appointment can be made? It does seem a very longtime to wait. What is the total time from your scan to the appointment?

    I've joined a FB page called "Linking Lobular Ladies". It's a very informative page and I was up all night reading threads on there. It does appear quite common that more cancer is found on MRIs and often even more is found during surgery, as lobular can hide very easily on scans. I think this is why my surgeon looked relieved when I eventually opted for a mastectomy because he knows the potential is there to find more and not get clear margins.

    I asked the question on there about the CT scan as I'm am utterly terrified of finding out that it's spread. I had lots of replies and many of them said the CT scan helps the surgeon during surgery and not to worry. Whilst that has eased my mind a little I am still battling against rising panic attacks every day. Trying to remain calm is exhausting. My breast care nurse is ringing me on Tuesday because I left a message saying I don't think I am strong enough to get the results of the CT scan in case it's bad news...they would need to call an ambulance for me! I've never known terror like this.

    If you want to, you can join Linking Lobular Ladies and we can follow each other on there too. I find it easier to use their site, than this one and because it's specific about lobular only, it's much more relative to us.

    Keep in touch Hayley. I know EXACTLY how you're feeling.

    Lots of Love
