Tongue Cancer - not coping

My husband got T3 tongue cancer.   4 weeks ago, he had partial glossectomy and neck desecction surgery.  He had restructed to his tongue with a tissue taken from another part of his body.  He is home now and waiting for dates for further treatments.  At the moment he is very depressed, hates the situation, and won't talk to anybody.  I feel miserable and unappreciated as I am trying to help him much as I can.  

  • I have cancer and sometimes my husband's attention and help is too much, despite how much I love and appreciate him. There are times when I just want to be left alone to process the situation and being depressed about it is understandable. It's hard for everyone involved. If we see a loved one in distress we want to help them right away. All I can say is don't feel miserable and unappreciated because you aren't. He needs you. But maybe read the signs re what he seems to need from you at different points, rather than what you think is best for him. It's very hard to be constantly upbeat, I'm in a bit of a pit myself right now, and I just want to wallow in it until the feelings pass. I don't want to be cheered up, but if my husband wasn't around I'd be totally adrift. I hope I don't sound preachy, I'm just sharing my own experience of the ups and downs involved with treatment and everything being out of control. I bet you're doing an amazing job of supporting him in awful circumstances. 

  • Hello Beepa thank you so much for your reply.  It was interesting to know your experience.  Maybe I am being too over powering with my help and not giving him enough space.  I appreciate your feedback.  Wishing you well xxxxx