bladder wall thick after bcg

My husband has had 6 bcg and yesterday went for his bladder check to see if it was working. We were told that the bladder lining was thick so they took a biopsy. We are worried know because we were hoping they were going to say the cancer has gone and he could start his bcg top up in Oct. Any had this before. Please tell us your story. 

Regards to all from Sylvie

  • I think if the blood  and its heavy I'd stay at home but if it's not too heavy go The best way I can explain is if its red wine stay home rose go I asked John he says if Ronnie has no discomfort he should go but if you are like me it's not worth it Sorry not really a lot of help However if you are not happy on balance stay at home

    Fingers crossed  tho things are better tomorrow Xx

  • Hi Celia thanks for the answer and i know it's late IE ten to eleven pm but i just tested the water in the toilet bowl after Ronnie had a wee and the water was clear on the top on the screwed up toilet paper but dark pink not pure blood and peace of something at the bottom. I think it must be a scab cos wouldn't the whole water would be bloody. 

    So i will say goodnight god bless to you both and looking better for tomorrow 

    Love from Sylvie xxx

  • That sounds encouraging Hope this morning things are continuing  to improve and you get away for a few days respite 

    love Celia  xx

  • Morning Celia Ronnie's urine is clear as a bell better than mine this morning lets hope it stays that way. All i need know is someone to tell me if he should start taking his asprin again. He hasn't taken it for a week. He hasn't got a bad heart he just started taking it over 20 years ago because of his leg by pass. He only takes 75ml. Anyway i will leave it for know. So i am up and packing and Ronnie is having a sleep in AGAIN bless him. I didn't realize how much food you have to take for 6 days for day to day meals. The car will be full with all that x his fishing gear. I will keep intouch while we are away. Thanks for putting up with me the last 4 days. It's good people have a friend that understands what there going through and i will be there for you anytime. 

    Take care till next time 

    Lots of love Sylvie xxx

  • Fantastic  news  There is an ask a nurse on here perhaps she could advise about the aspirin

    Enjoy your trip

    Lots of love 

    Celia xx

  • Thanks i will give it a go xxx

  • I got sick of messing around and phoned 111 again and told them the story and a clinician is phoning me back within 4 hours. Yipeeeeeee 


  • Hi Celia 111 phoned back and i had a good talk to the medical nurse she said Ronnie could start his asprin tomorrow. So i got there in the end. In future i will phone 111 and there really on the ball and it works. I have phoned them twice this week and first got a doc appointment the same day and know got the phone call back today. If your ever worried about your John just phone them up. 

    Love from Sylvie xxx

  • Glad you had a good experience with them Unfortunately I didn't I rang because it was 10pm and John was shaking and shivering I knew he needed antibiotics as it had happened before They took all details and promised to ring back 5 hours later after 5 calls they gave us an appointment at 11am in Bury Got to the appointment and nothing booked Nice receptionist checked they had booked Bolton half an hour away but she could see the state we were in and got us in the Dr after about half an hour He gave us the prescription I had asked for the night before I wasn't happy as you can imagine 

    Pleased you had a better experience

    Enjoy your break 


    Celia xx





  • what can i say but if i ever need them it wont be at that time of night hopefully. such a small thing wonting some antis and a pain to get them. Had John been in the hospital to make him like that. When did that happen. We have just finished unpacking. I do the food and the case Ronnie does the fishing gear. Sounds about right. Off to make a cuppa. At least they wont be doing anything else for a few weeks to Ronnie. I just wonder how much more he can take. they said he will be going at the back end of Oct for his top up but we don't even know what they found last Friday if anything besides the bladder wall been thick. I will just enjoy the moment till it all starts again. But if they tell us he has to have his bladder out he will be devastated.

    Take care 

    Love Sylvie xxx