osophagus cancer diagnosis


I have recently been diagnosed with oesophagus cancer stage 3 and have come across this forum while googling, since the middle of September, I have had a plethora of tests and have been very well treated by the hospital staff, I’m starting my FLOT treatment in 9 days’ time a regime of 4 rounds 2 weeks apart then hopefully followed by surgery and then another FLOT regime.

  • Hi Redski,

    Thanks and I hope you are doing well and enjoyed Easter too.

    Keeping the faith


  • Hi Redski

    I am feeling good apart from the fatigue and other side effects  the chemo tablets bring , only 4 weeks to go but i feel fine and looking forward to my next scan , i will not tempt fate at this stage by saying anymore , i trust you and everyone else on here are in good spirits , take care of yourselves and yours and above all take it easy.


  • Hi Y'all, 

    Just looking , and I have not been on since February!!!. 
    First up- we are all good xx Domestic life with teenagers continues apace (growl emoji).

    He has just 'officially' retired. Nagging me to do the same- but I to work for a rest! We are almost on the 3 year badge, remains disease free- for now. He has re subscribed to Sky sports - growl growl emoji.

    TBH - I hav also been missing as feeling a bit glum. No good news around.Lots of  check out for family and neighbours recently, quite a few very sick etc. very little good news around. Then that news from the crick institute about how 'clever' cancer cells are - YES,WE KNOW! 
    Hope everyone is keeping the faith

    Hilts xxx



  • Phew a relief to hear  from you Hilts, clapping emojis  I've been quite concerned as you usually post now and again. Pleased hubby is still doing well. We are approaching the two year mark from his Oesophagectomy his first of three ops! 

    Sorry that you've been a bit low. Yes losing folk isn't easy. As you say news isn't exactly uplifting so we avoid watching too much of it! Bring back John Craven I say lol. 

    We are enjoying the lighter nights and have a few things planned. Are you going  to London  for the Coronation? We are staying in London for a couple of nights.

    Re work you will know when it's right for you. I found it more difficult than I thought I would and did go back doing some supply but I was only 55 in 2017  when I left for our 'gap year'. Good job we did what we did  as then the world went bonkers then our life went even more bonkers! 

    We are hoping to do Scotland's North Coast 500 in September so fingers crossed. 

    Doug good to hear that you are continuing treatment and staying in a good mindset.

    Everyone else reading this I'm sending healing thoughts and positive vibes. It's not an easy journey but there is hope and survivors of this awful disease.

    keeping the faith for everyone always,


  • hi everyone

    Good news after another 18 week stint of chemo i currently have no active cancers after three and a half years of treatments i am still as positive as ever , take care and bless you all.



  • Hi Doug,

    I just logged in as it's been very quiet on here which I hope is a good thing. So I was pleased to read your postDoug  and very happy to see you are doing well and continuing to stay positive and determined. 

    Redski, Hilts and everyone else I hope you are ok too and enjoying this lovely weather.

    We have been busy in the garden and it's two years since my husband was critically ill so very thankful. He still gets fatigued at times and some pain from all the operations and drain sites but overall so far so good with everything crossed.

    Take care and keeping the faith


  • Hi Doug,


    Good news to hear, keep going on the positive path and good luck for the future.



  • Hi Lee,

    Lovely to see you've posted. How are you and your family doing? I guess that you are busy now holiday season has arrived? I'm sure you think of your dad every day, as I do my mum and son. I do think of you as we formed a bond on here in very difficult circumstances.

    still keeping the faith and thoughts for those no longer with us on earth but still in our hearts 




  • Hi Milly,

    Yes I do....all day every day....

    We are getting busier but the effects of brexit have had a big negative impact on business....we just fight 1 day at a time.

    Good to hear you're all doing well.


  • Hi Lee yes I'm sure you do, I understand- it's 37 years since my mum passed away from Breast cancer aged 51. Our youngest son should have been 31 this year. Time moves on but it's different to how it should have been ...

    The dreaded B word - what a mess! I hope you have a better season this year.

    Yes we are ok everything crossed and 

    keeping the faith
