21 weeks pregnant and breast lumps...

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting and i

hope I have come to the right place. 


I am 20 years old & 21 weeks pregnant. Last week (when I was 20 weeks pregnant) I was feeling my breasts and felt that my breasts had changed a lot! Of course I know that this is normal with my being pregnant. However, particularly in my left breast I felt a small firm lump just above my areola in the upper inner quadrant of the breast. Having health anxiety, I instantly panicked and of course thought the worst, so I made an appointment with my GP. 


She examined my breasts and afterwards stated that she could see where I was coming from with the lumpy breasts and basically explained the guidelines she is given on when they should refer to the hospital. It might be worth mentioning that my GP is amazing, she knows I have health anxiety and that I worry a lot and she always reassures me. She told me it all felt normal and that I shouldn’t worry. But she booked me an appointment for 4 weeks time and advised me if I worry so much in the meantime that I can re-book the appointment for a sooner date. She also informed me of how accessible the breast clinic was? My question is, if it is nothing to worry about and it feels normal then why has she scheduled me another appointment in 4 weeks? Should I worry? I do notice that when I feel the lump, the more I kind of massage it, it does get smaller, but then the next day it’s back again to it’s original size. It’s  painless too. 


Thank you you ladies in advance :-)

  • Hi Mel! 


    That is amazing news! So happy for you! I bet you are SO relieved! I literally broke down this morning, thinking the worst. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy and hopefully after this appointment at the breast clinic I’ll be able to do just that.


    What did your lump feel like? I don’t believe mine is a cyst as it feels to firm. 


    Its going to to be a long 2 weeks but I’m glad that I’ll finally be able to just know! 


    Ill keep you updated, thank you xx


    Hi Phoebe,

    Welcome to the forum.I  am so sorry to hear that you have all this worry at a time when you should be enjoying your pregnancy, but I am glad to hear that you now have an appointment at the breast clinic.

    I am sure that if your GP suspected anything untoward that she would have told you so. It sounds as if she is just being extra cautious and wanting to make absolutely certain that there is nothing sinister present. When you arrive at the breast clinic, your consultant will discuss your symptoms, prior to giving you a physical examination of your breasts. If they are at all suspicious, they may then carry out an ultrasound and/or a biopsy. Tissue taken from the latter is sent away for analysis and the results are usually back within a week or sometimes two.

    Of all the people seen at the clinic, only 1 person in 8 tends to get a cancer diagnosis, so here's hoping that you will be one of the lucky people. Some clinics are what is known as 'a one stop shop', where you get your results immediately. More commonly you will have to wait for 1-2 weeks for your test results and, it is only with these results that you can be certain of your diagnosis. Here's hoping that the changes you feel are just caused by hormonal changes due to your pregnancy.

    Do please keep in toutch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you

    The next couple of weeks will be a worrying time and will feel like forever. Try to keep yourself as busy as you can to help pass the time.

    Kind regards.

    Jolamine xx.

  • Hi Phoebe,

    Thank you, hun! X

    Mine felt really firm as well and this is why I got so worried, just like you. I kept reading online and got myself scared to death...literally. The doctor said that cysts can sometimes feel harder as it accumulates not just liquid but cells and tissues as well. He also said that almost 90% of the women that get referred to the breast clinic, don't have cancer, especially at such young age.

    There are so many other things that can happen. Also he explained that, as pregnant, our hormones and the way our breast change in pregnancy trigger these cysts and lumps to appear a lot of the time. He also said that is more common than we think and he sees a lot of these cases due to hormonal changes. Doctor was in his 50s so I'm sure he's seen a lot so far and he wouldn't say this if it wasn't real. I really trust what he says and honesty, I think it's the same in your case and soon you'll be happy that this nightmare is over. I know it's very hard not to think about but try very hard, your baby needs you calm. 
    Hang on in there, you'll see that everything will be alright.


    hugs xx 

  • Hi Jolamine,


    Thank you got your response. I am sick with worry but at the same time it’s good to know that I have an appointment at the breast clinic and will get an answer and hopefully they’ll tell me all is ok. I’m only 20 and the thought if it being anything sinister scares the hell out of me. 

    Since my GP referred me on the two week wait basis, does this mean she thinks it is something serious? The clinic contacted me today and I have an appointment next Monday which is so soon, I was expecting to wait weeks! This has concerned me slightly even though my GP told me that she thinks all is ok and everything feels fine and that her reason for referral is for reassurance purposes.  


    Also, if they do an ultrasound will I have the results for that immediately? Will they tell me exactly what they see/think on the day or will I have to wait for that too? Waiting for biopsy results I understand. 

    I will definitely keep you updated, thank you for your advice. 

    Phoebe xx

  • Hi Mel,

    Your comment about 90% of people who get referred don’t have cancer is so reassuring for me so thank you! I’ll hope and pray I’m part of the 90%. 


    Im so worried it’s unbelievable. Yes, I have definitely noticed my breasts have changed so much due to pregnancy but all these lumps and bumps are so worrying aren’t they and I have somehow fixated on one lump and a dense area in my breast. 


    Thank you again. I will keep you updated xx



    Hi Phoebe,

    I don’t think that it matters what age you are, the thought of a cancer diagnosis scares us all. Please don’t worry about being referred in a 2 week time frame. This is normal, irrespective of what your GP thinks that the outcome will be. I am glad to hear that you have an appointment for next Monday.

    When you attend the clinic it is most unusual to get your ultrasound or biopsy results straight away. We usually have to wait 1-2 weeks for the results. There are a small number of ‘one stop shops’ for testing and these can give you some results on the same day, but it is more usual to have to wait. Some consultants may prepare you by telling you that they are pretty sure that you do have cancer, but they still cannot give you a definite diagnosis and grading until the test results come back.

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, the first 10 years ago and the second was 9 years ago. I know just how scary waiting for results can be. Try to stay away from Google, as this will only serve to scare you further for no good reason.

    I sincerely hope that your lumps are due to hormonal changes as a result of your pregnancy and nothing more serious. If you can it is always helpful to bring someone with you to all of your appointments.

    Do please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hiya, just an update... 


    Had my clinic appointment Last Monday and it went really well. The nurse practitioner examined me first of all and she straight away went on to tell me it doesn’t feel worrying. She then sent me to see the doctor who performed an ultrasound and she too confirmed everything was ok. She said it could be hormonal breast changes but it was nothing to worry about. Honestly, I am SO relieved and finally feel like I can fully enjoy the rest of my pregnancy now. Thank you so much for your help and responses ladies! 

    Wishing you both health and happiness for the future 




    Hi Phoebe,

    Many thanks for your update - and what wonderful news! You must be over the moon, to know that these are just natural changes due to your pregnancy. I do hope that you can now enjoy your pregnancy and, some premium time with your little one once s/he arrives.

    Don't forget to let us know whether it's a boy or a girl. I hope that the delivery goes well, now that the shadow of cancer has been removed.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx