
Hi i was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 21 years ago and was treated with radio and chemo for 12 months.My breast cancer returned 17 years later again was treated with radio and chemo.I developed secondary breast cancer in my lung i was treated for three years with weekly chemo and had my lung removed.Good news is i have been off treatment for over 12 months feel good life's great.

  • Hi there.  I have only got out of bed half an hour ago and have had my first cup of coffee.  I was wondering how you were doing so am pleased to  hear from you even though you have been having a rough time.  But it sounds as though you may be getting some better sleep from now on.

    Quick detour to take a look at the photos from Australia Day in the various communities.  I can see why it is controversial in some areas.   Posters reading "Aboriginal land: always has been always will be".  Do you think the aborigines have had a fair deal?  You don't have to answer that if you don't want to!  I expect you have enough on your hands managing your own problems without being expected to take on everyone elses too.

    Thank goodness that nurse made the courtesy call or you would have continued to suffer horrendous pain levels and got no sleep etc.  Whenever I have to have a blood test - which is fortunately not very often - they use a butterfly clip as my veins are crap.  But I don't know how they leave it with you as a temporary fixture to enable you to take your meds - doesn't it just fall out?  No I am sure it doesn't but am curious as to how it works.  You do whatever it takes to help you manage your pain; none of us know how we would cope in the same situation if we have not been there.

    Does Snowy go out by himself for his walks?  I take it you are not living on a busy main road!  He sounds and looks lovely; a very independent little soul.  A dog I had years ago used to do that but it was a different world from the middle of London.

    Am pleased you are getting involved in other parts of the forum so you get different conversations to join.  I have learned a lot from reading other posts here.

    Swap you some of our wet cold windy weather for a slice of your heat?

    Will keep in touch.  Annie xx

  • Hello again...7 AM here and a lovely cool change has ended the heatwave, where it dropped from 40C to just 20C in the late afternoon Wednesday. My nurse came in again to catch up & thankful that she did, because the missus accidently, mishit the entry to the Butterfly Clip & lost a percentage of the Morphine..I was not sure to redo in case of overdosing, but I have learned that I have a fair amount to play with & I would have been safe enough..Never the less it pays to be cautious as I am just learning...My Targin (Morphine 12 Hourly) has been increased to add a bit more relief.

    Last night a couple of us were talking on my COPD FB Group, when a friend & member from Perth WA came in...She had been having tests & her  MRI is not looking good. Unfortunately they have found a tumour in her spine, which will account for the amount of pain she is in. She is having cancer tests this morning. Also was put on morphine, but it’s not doing much to help. She will get blood results back in a couple of days.  So is terrified & I have had a brief chat with her as it was very late.

    Snowy gets walked & is very good out. We live in quite a nice suburb & have a fair bit of walking tracks & parklands, which are not busy during the week. ..The Australia Day thing is very controversial only because of The Greens Party & the usual Radical City Dwellers who identify themselves as Aboroginal, whereas the bulk of the community on both sides are pretty neutral...Divide & Conquer has been why we have had so many issues all over this country.

    Ok time to start my day...Got the nurse coming over to refill syringes & do a final check up. I must start my regime of meds as well...Thank you for being here & hope your day goes reall well.


    [[ ]]

  • Hello again.  That is not good news about the tumour - I hope they can do something about it.  So very much hope that your tests go well this morning.  It is bad that the morphine isn't helping much - can  (or will) they give you anything stronger?  Oh ozboy, you shouldn't have to suffer like this.  I imagine you will be off for your tests soon but just wanted to drop you a line to say I hope all goes well.

  • Hello Peter - I have just learned your name!  That was a lovely post to the woman who had lost her daughter.  I watched the video - I knew the song but when you see the people involved it makes it so hard to watch.  All the lovely people whose photos are being held by their families.  And the children, always the children.  I take an interest in childhood cancers because I know/have known a few families affected and it just tears you apart sometimes.  More cash needed for research but it is said that there is not enough in it because childhood cancers are comparatively rare.   But cancer is a vile beast whoever it attacks.

    I have just this morning realised I had not read the last part of your post concerning Australia Day.  What you said rang a bell.  Most people here, no matter what race, religion or whatever get on very happily with each other but that doesn't get into the news - it is only when someone is causing trouble.  Having said that, the state of this country at the moment is dire - the NHS is falling apart at the seams in some areas for want of money for instance.  And reading crime statistics I was astounded to read that there has been a rise in people breaking into others' homes and stealing FOOD.  Nothing else, just food from the fridge.  What does that say about a supposedly civilised country?  It still terrifies the poor people whose house has been broken into as well.  All the politicians seem to do at the moment is argue about BREXIT.

    Enough of here.  I hope you are now getting more and better sleep and look forward to your posts in other areas of this forum.  Annie xx


    Hi Barbara,

    A very warm welcome to Cancer Chat.

    Do you know what type of breast cancer you have? It is great to hear that you are still going strong after 21 years and I hope that, in spite of the secondary diagnosis, you can continue to live life to the full.

    This is just the sort of story that so many of us with breast cancer want to hear and, sadly one that we don’t hear often enough.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello there Peter. Just wondering how you are doing.  I won't be around for a couple of days as am going up to Newcastle in the North East for a family funeral - my uncle who was 90.  Hope all is well with you.

  • Hi Peter, so pleased I have managed to track you down.  Perhaps we should start a new thread rather than hitch hike on the one Barbara started.  I could not remember the name you posted under so have gone through my posts and thankfully came across you.  Please let me know how you are doing.  Weather here has been awful - snow, snow and more snow (now thawing).  Would love to hear from you.  Annie xx