FEC-T Chemotherapy: sore veins: advice please!!?? thank you

I've been reading threads old and new on this site for a few weeks now, some sad, some humourous, some heartwarming, ALL useful. I'm not usually one for talking to people I don't know, but I really see the benefit in sharing experiences and the support people give on here is inspiring and humbling.

I found a lump in my breast a week after a trip of a lifetime to India to celebrate my 50th later this year - SO strange because I had literally never felt as well as I felt then, for years! was whisked through the process at lightning speed, scan, biopsy, sentinel node followed by lymph node clearance. Now on my second cycle of six FEC-T (three FEC, three Taxotere) and although it has been mentally and physically challenging I have been able to console myself with the accounts of others and reassure myself that it is do-able - so THANK YOU all of you for talking about your side effects and how you are dealing with them, you are all incredibly strong people. I took extra anti sickness tablets the second time round as I ended up back in the unit on a drip on day 2 as I couldn't even keep the water down to take the tablets! :-( this time I felt rough but wasn't actually sick so they did the trick.

My question/current concern is this, my chemo arm is incredibly painful and i understand its damage caused by the drugs effectively scorching the veins? It's not until I try and straighten my arm that the pain is excruciating but I wondered if there was anything anyone could say to help me cope as I've got four sessions left and I'm worried I won't be able to straighten my arm when it comes to taking bloods. I think it's probably right to keep trying to stretch it out but it almost makes me cry so I avoid straightening it. Just another battle in this war against the side effects of the treatment - I am counting the days till it is over.

Thanks in advance for any comments :-)


  • Hi max,I was also looking for advice on sore veins and this site came up,wow what a coincidence your story is very similar to mine-I too found a lump completely out of the blue did all scans tests etc and its triple negative breast cancer which they are treating with fec-t but 4 of each.i have just finished my last fec and start the t part next week,similar to you I think.i don't want to sound like a wimp but I have really suffered with nausea and being able to eat ,I don't think as bad as you but after 3 different anti sickness drugs that did nothing except bad side effects I have managed to get some that work this time.you do have to be aware of what works and what doesn't though and make a fuss if you're suffering.last time I had a similar experience to you with the veins thing after 3 attempts in my usual arm they gave up and used the other one but left original arm in a right mess with bruising and extremely sore,so I can't give you any advice as I was also looking for help but I just wanted to say my situation is very similar to yours and that you are not alone ,I also find these forums very helpful and supportive and I'm on another one called health unlocked breast cancer it's good also and the ladies are very supportive. Regarding the line they can put in at my hospital they call it a picc line and quite a few people have it,it has to be inserted above the elbow and goes into a vein in your chest I think,sounds scary but it must really help,they put it in and leave it until all your treatments done,saves being a pin cushion and it sounds like your best option. I'm going to try and use my other arm for the rest of my treatment and hope it lasts out!Are you having surgery after the chemo?I have to have the tissue surrounding the lump(which disappeared after only second treatment),and then radiotherapy but its all absolutely worth it if its stopped the cancer spreading anywhere else.chemotherapy isn't easy at all,I am still shocked as to how bad I feel it is awful but it's killing the cancer and is only temporary so stay strong max.hope all goes well,keep complaining about side effects,your doctor can help with extra drugs etc. Sending best wishes,vicky.x
  • Hi

    on recommendation I had picc line through my arm into my chest, never felt a thing when they put it in.  It's surprisingly quite comfortable and doesn't get in the way except when having a shower.  I bought an arm cover for that.  I had no adverse reactions and the plus side s they take your blood from there too without having to inject you.  It was a god send. 

    Best wishes to you both


  • I had cording following my lumpectomy and perforator flap reconstruction. It's wasn't down my arm but started underneath my boob and went down to my waist, very strange sensation. 

    I found it helped to massage it quite firmly using long strokes in the direction of the cording after a warm bath. The sensation of it releasing is like when you put something on that's a bit small a feeling some of the stitches cracking obviously don't try this until you're surgery has healed. 

    Thanks for raising the subject of vein pain, I've just had my third chemotherapy, next time I have Herceptin one day then chemotherapy the next so my veins are going to take a proper pounding. 

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment, I'd like to say it getting better, but I'm afraid I haven't found that it does, but at least you get to know how to handle your side effects, I get oral thrush and breathless after each day cycle, so I ask the doctor for a prescription for nystatin and sabutimol inhaler, so I can treat them before they get to bad.


    AngieG xxx


  • For cording have a look on YouTube for 'the breast cancer physiotherapist' called Jen. She has an exercise which can reduce/remove cording - I checked with my physiotherapist and she said it was fine to do and effective. I have managed to totally remove the cording in my armpit following an enhanced sentinel lymph node biopsy.

    Please see the video, but basically you raise your arm to the side as far as you can then flex your wrist so your hand back goes towards your arm - do this up to 30 times twice a day. STOP if you get a dull ache in your arm for more than an hour.