my husband has terminal cancer

Hi everyone,

This is my first time doing something like this but I feel like sharing feelings with people who are going through simular situations may help me.

My name is fiona and my husband has terminal cancer. His name is shaun and he is only 30years old. We first got told his cancer wad now terminal in may 2011. We now have a 6week old beautiful baby boy and my husband started his first iv chemo 2 weeks ago.

I wish I could make him better! I try not to think about the future, as it upsets me and I need to stay strong for him and our son, but sometimes I cant help it. Most of the time I try my dam hardest to soldier through, but there are times I sneek of to the bathroom for a little cry. I never let my husband see me upset as I feel I need to be the strong one. I know he listens to me alot when I talk to him about being strong and taking each day ad it comes and that he must stay positive. He always seems better after our talks, and carries on like you would never know he is ill. So if he saw me upset I feel he would get upset and worry even more. Its so hard to see him on bad days as hes always been a happy lively sole. I wish so badly for it to be a big mistake and the hospital got it all wrong. Hes my bestest friend and the most loving daddy!

If there's anyone going through a simular situation it would be lovely to talk to you as you would understand. It feels good getting this of my chest!


  • Hi there

    I am in a similar situation.

    I am 19 weeks pregnant and my female partner was diagnosed with a uterine sarcoma the same day i found out i was pregnant. We had been trying to get pregnant between us for 7 years and after suffering 3 miscarriages it it totally surreal that this time it has worked.

    The baby is a miracle but we have been told her cancer has returned aggressively and she is currently going through chemo (which itself is pretty traumatic) and in 3 weeks we will find out if it is shrinking the tumours. If it is not then we are very scared of the prognosis.

    I totally feel your fear of being pregnant and trying to deal with an unwell partner and an uncertain future.

    Big hugs x

  • My Husband has been diagnosed with agressive cancer of the protrate.  We have been going through so many lengthy processes but nothing seems to be happening.  He is now going through a full body scan to see if it has spread to any other areas.  I feel so in the dark about it all as he is in pain and I don't know how to help him.  I have to keep strong for him as he thinks everything is going to be fine.  He has always been an an active man and I can see him weakening.  It breaks my heart.  What should I do because I don't want him to see me crying (which I do when alone and also at night)  Hope someone can offeer a way I can deal with this,  My family have been very supportive so far but I don't want to worry them as they have families of their own.


  • Was reading your post and it rang true to me. My husband has just been told he has pancreatic cancer. Not sure how I feel. It's all a bit surreal. Trying to hold it together for my daughter who is doing her final year of high school. My husband is very angry and full of pain and I guess remorse for not seeing the doctor sooner. It is good to read how others are coping. Will try to keep in touch as our Cancer journey  unfolds.

  • Hi sallybe54

    Just wanted to welcome you to the forum though sorry for the reason  you have joined us.  The post you have responded to is a few years old and it may help for you to begin your own thread so that others is similar situations can add their support/welcome. Sometimes mentioning the type of cancer in the title of your post helps other 'readers' to pick up and reply.

    When my husband was diagnosed I too found it hard to get my head round and this forum was a great place to visit for support during difficult days.  Hope you find it useful to keep in touch as and when you feel able.  I expect your husband will be facing various appointments to find out how you move forward. All the very best. Jules54

  • My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 5 weeks ago and 1 week after I had a total knee replacement 2 weeks after that he had an operation and had a large area of his bladder scraped we are now waiting for 2 more scans on his chest and lungs the waiting and not having any answers are killing us spend most of the time crying because we don't know what we are waiting to hear can't see a way forward 

  • Hi Saxo and welcome to the forum which I hope you will find a help during these difficult times.  As you have popped your post on to an older discussion it may help to begin a thread of your own and also mention the type of cancer your husband has in the title.  This sometimes brings more replies from those who have experience of the same illness.

    I joined when my husband was diagnosed with Mesothelioma (cancer of the lung linings) and remember well the wondering and waiting for results of various tests which seem to go on for too long when all you want to know is what happens now?  In our case the diagnosis, initial scan/biopsy and then the results took three months but I know it can vary from person to person and even area to area.

    Please do come and chat anytime as whilst it does not necessarily stop you worrying I did find it helped to talk things through with others in similar situations. The emotional rollercoaster is pretty difficult and we tried to cope as a family by taking it one day at a time.  Sometimes it is a little easier once you know the results and can begin to look at treatment options.

    Wishing  you both all the very best.  Jules54

  • Hi my husband was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last year he is 47 it has now spread to his brain although there is nothing they can do for him anymore (he has had chemo and radio ) He is very nasty to me .I know he is going through A lot but I want our last times to be nice and to remember this .It is very hard for me to watch him insult people and shout at me .I have been strong all the way and positive I still am but I am also very upset as I do not talk to anyone .
  • Hi,

    Welcome to the forum though sorry for the reason that brings you here. It is a hard journey you and your husband are on and the forum is a good place to be able to chat and talk to others who have  been  or are going through similar times.  It may help if you begin your own thread (mentioning the type of cancer your husband has) so that other 'readers' pick up on it and may be able to offer support to you during this difficult time.  47 is so very young to be facing this terminal diagnosis (my husband had just turned 60 at diagnosis though he had a different cancer -Mesothelioma.

    Sadly for some both the illness and medication changes the personality of the one we love and it is very hard to take everything on board.  Perhaps a word with your own GP could help as  you should not have to cope alone. I found good support here to let out my feelings but also accepted advice from my husband's GP and palliative care team.

    Be kind to yourself and take care. Jules

  • Ano how u feel Fiona as am going through wat u r with ur husband as my two year old son has cancer
  • Hi Fiona frist time I've looked on this site my other half has terminal cancer he they gave him 3-6 mouths live back in 2013 and still with us he's still fighting so days are so hard feel i can't do or say anything write xx