I've got lung cancer: treatment on hold

I’ve got lung cancer, through January and February I had 30 doses of radiotherapy and 6 lots of chemotherapy. Tumour has shrunk and in April I started immunotherapy. Had some very unpleasant side effects from this, which led to 7 days in hospital and the immunotherapy is now suspended. The side effects are improved thanks to various tablets but my consultant is being rather vague about what, if any, treatment I might have next. Anyone had similar experience!

  • Hi Jonker, 

    It sounds like treatment was rather intensive with 30 doses of radiotherapy and 6 lots of chemotherapy through January and February but it's good news that the tumour has shrunk. I am so sorry to hear though that the immunotherapy is now suspended following these unpleasant side effects - 7 days in hospital, that is a lot but I am glad that the side effects improved eventually. 

    It must be very frustrating for you right now not to have more clarity on what the next steps might be. Perhaps it might be worth trying to speak to your consultant and asking for clarification as you have a right to know what treatment might be available to you. If you feel communication with your consultant has not been the best, it might be worth also considering getting a second opinion.

    I hope you manage to find out more soon as to whether your treatment is on hold or if you have other treatment options you can consider. 

    Others on our forum may have had a similar experience and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks for your reply. I didn’t want to appear critical of my consultant, he has been brilliant so far, any problems I’ve had have been sorted, his communication has been excellent and he has been very open and honest with me. I guess I’m just feeling concerned because I don’t know what will happen next. The consultant, rightly, says we need to wait until the side effects of the immunotherapy have been dealt with. That does make sense but it is frustrating.