Just started FLOT Chemo for GOJ Esophagus cancer, then Ivor Lewis operation to remove stomach , anyone going through this happy to connect

I am 60 Year old Father of 2 and a grandfather of 2 , married for 37 years , and recently retired. Living in Wickford Area Essex. I have previously had no major Health Problems , being fit and active playing golf  and regular fitness sessions at local gym.

In April 2024 following an endoscopy it was identified i may have a malignant tumor at GOJ junction. This was confirmed on 7th May following further endoscopy., various other tests and scans including PET, CT , and laparoscopy Diagnosed T2/3 Stage poss. small spread to nearby lymph nodes ,  fortunately not to other areas of body  and localized.

I have just started a 4 two week cycle of FLOT chemotherapy 24Th June, plan then to have an Ivor Lewis Procedure , to remove all of stomach and then another 4 cycles of Chemo.

  • Offline in reply to H04

    Funny you have 3 dogs , we have 2 rescue dogs which really help take your.mind of things.

  • Offline in reply to TINKER7

    Hi Mark,

    How you doing? X 

  • Hi tinker7 I’m new to site but just survived 4 rounds of FLOT , Esophagectomy with major complications leak in connection where it’s joined together,  3week post hospital and now starting next  4 rounds of FLOT on the 7th aug , the histology on my Tumor said there was cells at the margin under macro scopic procedures my surgeon said he taken it all away including 37 lymph nodes 12 of which show cancer cell signs under microscopic procedures so as you can imagine I’m really in bits right now one thing I can say is keep your PMA (positive mental attitude) with you always I had hospital ward in stitches with that saying and made some new aquatancies who were In tough situations I keep in touch via text message now and maybe some day a Costa coffee 

    Desi B 

  • Offline in reply to Stasha

    I was in hospital for 3 months with verious symptoms and complications after my Esophagectomy surgery but I kept my PMA up and my wife and daughter and grandchildren gave me hope and encouragement a together with PMA (positive mental attitude) I’m here and fighting this nasty disease with all my PMA

  • Hello

    Thank you for your message, I am in 2 days time starting my 4th cycle of flot chemo.

    My side effects each cycle later over 10 days and has been exhausting.

    I have been told I will then have a scan , and then hopefully around 6 weeks of getting fit for the operation.

    Did you find that having pre op chemo helped your diagnosis in any way.

    Also have you in anyway since the operation had any near normal lifestyle .

    As you say PMA is vital, I'm finding my granddaughters help me in this .

  • Offline in reply to H04


    I'm OK just waiting to start my 4th cycle of chemo on Monday , I have side effects for about 10 days , then for 4 days a little bit normal then it starts again

    Scan arranged for 22nd August to see results of chemo.

    How is your Dad ,and how r u .


  • Hi tinker7 thankyou for your response i can imagine some things you are going through with this treatment especially with the exhaustion to some extent as they say everyone has different experiences he fourth round of FLOT kinda was most difficult for me as in side effects but you do come out stronger and it definitely made a difference as it scrunch my Tumour to half its size enabling me to ea properly to get extra fit and put on some extra weight before surgery, again as the docs say everyone is different so my experience is just one of many , I had a very normal ish life before surgery was back at work as a maintenance manager with some hands on stuff and going for the scans CTs/ pet scans , then the fitness test ,after surgery had been a struggle as I was in hospital for just sho of 3 months but I’m definitely on the up and getting stronger by the day don’t rush it I’m told hard when you’ve been a do,er all your life, keep going tinker7 and remember PMA

    X Desi B

  • Thank you for your useful insight, as you rightly say apart from everything else if we are active before diagnosis accepting we have to take things easy is also very hard.

    I am just taking one day at a time, one phase of my treatment at a time . Not looking to far ahead, and enjoy the normal special.moments when I can that everyone takes for granted.

    Wishing you best wishes in your recovery yes PMA rules.


  • Hi mark your very well come if my experience helps just one person it’s all not been for nothing, it helped me go for walks with some good music playing to keep me focused as long as I was feeling up to it  especially with that dreadful Chemo poison running through my veins and pushing myself to be Fit as possible to fight this nasty disease eating good food with lots of calories ,protein as you do loose weight even though you put weight on before the operation the more calories the better, thankyou for you best wishes and also to you, I’m at the hospital’s on Wednesday next week for my mop up chemo so I’ll keep you updated with results take care mark PMA !!

    x Des B 

  • Hi, My partner was diagnosed with GOJ in April after an endoscopy at the end of March. He has had a CT scan, PET scan, staging lap and then 4 rounds of chemo FLOT. He then had another CT scan which showed a good response to the FLOT. He had a staging lap last week and we’re now waiting for results. 
    the washings from the first lap were clear and now we’re waiting for results on this second set of washings taken from the last lap. 
    the surgeon came out after and said it all looked good and said he could be in for his Gastrectomy in the next week.

    (full stomach removal) 

    if the washings are clear he can have the operation, if the washings are positive and show that there is a spread microscopicly then he won’t be offered surgery. 
    its so so scary. Has this something that was discussed for you guys?? 
    my partner isn’t even 40 yet, it’s so hard and we’re not coping well at all :(