After suffering with blood in urine for 3 months, was told at hospital I have cancer

After suffering with blood in my urine for three months after being told numerous times " There's no infection "

I requested to be referred to my local hospital, and within a week i was called by the hospital to go there.

Not realising that ut coukd be anything untoward I went to the hospital only to be told that i had cancer- it was horrendous!!

After biopsies and an operation to remove the tumour I was told that it was the most agressive type and that if I had been made to wait another three months by my doctor it would have been too late.

What followed was ten years of immunotherapy BCG treatment and was told that i had an 80% chance of my cancer recurring.

And also as a footnote my sister had the same experience with a different doctor in a different area " no infection ".

It wasnt until I rang her doctor and explained my circumstances that they took her to hospital - TOO LATE FOR HER SHE DIED THREE WEEKS AFTER ADMITTANCE

WHY CAN'T DOCTORS ACT ON THE SAFE SIDE AND REFER PEOPLE use the significence that after three " no infection "  tests think that it might need investigating