Nasal cancer

Hi, I've just been diagnosed with nasal/ethmoid cancer. I wanted to introduce myself and connect with others as I'm still in shock. I'm waiting to hear whether I'll just have radiotherapy or an operation followed by radiotherapy. I was too overwhelmed to ask questions, and to be fair the team don't know yet as they're seeking advice because although the tumour is still small, it is close to my eye and brain and they'd need a neurosurgeon to hand if I have an op, in case of any issues. Writing this, it doesn't seem real. It can't be me! I haven't told my sons yet (in their 20s) so that's hanging over me. There are so many potential problems I am trying to be calm and reinforce to myself that I have no choice but to go through it, just as all members of this forum have had to. It helps to realise that I'm one of many and you all know how it feels. Reading people's stories has already helped. Gotta stay positive!

  • Hello Beepa,

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and can understand you would still be in shock. Ahead of your next appointment, it might help to write down any questions you have any take them with you. That way you'll feel more prepared and hopefully get the most out of your time with the doctor. We have some useful guidance on coping with nasal cancer on our website.

    The forum is always here whenever you need it and we have a team of nurses available if you need to speak to someone. You can call on the freephone 0808 800 4040, lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hello, I’m wondering how you are getting on with your journey so far? It was identified that I have a large nasal tumour in an MrI on the 26th of August. Since then I have had a biopsy which I am awaiting results for and another MRI on Monday. Absolutely terrified. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old, plus I am 31 weeks pregnant. Finding everything very overwhelming and scared won’t see my children up. Finding reassurances reading others experiences on here. 

  • Offline in reply to GJo

    Hi GJo

    Sorry I haven't been on here for a while so didn't see your message. I am now 5 weeks past my chemoradiation treatment and will have a scan in November to see if treatment has worked. 

    I'm not surprised you're terrified with your children and pregnancy to consider, and I can't take any of that worry away, but I can tell you a bit about how it's been for me. What were the symptoms that made you see GP? I had a blocked nostril and lost most of my sense of smell, but didn't think it was cancer, it just annoyed me so I wanted something for it.

    If your biopsy shows you have cancer there will be a lot of hospital visits and scans. Do you have family and friends to help you with your children? You'll be assigned a Macmillan nurse who will help you through it all. Mine has been amazing. Use that support. 

    The biopsy will show if it's cancer and if so the type and size and spread. (I have squamous cell carcinoma, but I know someone who had nasal cancer which was a lymphoma.) I had surgery to remove some of my tumour followed by the chemoradiation treatment.

    I think once you get your biopsy results you can start to think about the next steps. We're both in limbo at the moment, you waiting on biopsy results, me waiting for my post treatment scan, so I can't really say much else. I can assure you that everyone I've met along the way during my treatment has been so kind and supportive and it's essential you share your worries and take whatever help is offered. If you want to connect as a friend and talk to me about each step as you go I'll be happy to listen and do what I can to help.

    I recently found a head and neck cancer forum on the Macmillan site. I'll try a add a link, but if that doesn't work just google it. They're very active and chatty and there are lots of positive stories. I'll try and add you as a friend then definitely message if you need me.