3 years on with prostate cancer

I was diagnosed 3 years ago with Gleason scale 6 (3+3) I,ve had 2 MRI scans which showed little change so continued on Active Surveillance. My PSA is now 10.5.  I'm due another consultation(by phone) soon.. My consultant cancelled the last one in December.

I have not seen a single person in the flesh since I was given the biopsy results (also over the phone)

Given the waiting times for cancer treatment, I'm wondering whether I should bite the bullet and have the prostate removed..

I'd be grateful to hear what others think

  • Dear Steph,

    Thank you for writing again. By referring to scientific studies by Doctors and Professors of various universities, it is apparent that their published data is genuinely researched rather than being a commercial release by a drug firm.

    Of course. I am not suggesting that patients should all stop their hospital treatments and start taking Rosemary, Garlic, Cranberry etc instead.

    In my own case, at the suggestion of the hospital surgeon (one of a very senior Professor's team), I am under "Active Surveillance" at the moment and I am merely trying to strengthen my immunity to delay having to submit to ADT too soon by taking some 40 odd herbs recommended in scientific studies. 

    The fact that established organisations do not consider herbal studies to be reliable enough to make any difference does not, I would think, automatically negate the research and I imagine that it is likely that most of these learned scientists know their subject. One powerful anti-cancer treatment originated from Yew Trees, I was told by a chemist once. If only a few of the 40 odd herbs that I take (and they are quite expensive when you have to live on your old age pension and a rent rebate from the local Council alone!) help my situation, this would be a bit of a result for the several thousands of pounds so far spent.

    I don't know anything about artificial sweeteners. As I have Diabetes Type 2, I avoid sugar or sweeteners altogether.  I recall that decades ago one was banned in America.  I have read that the herb Cinnamon lowers sugar levels.

    NB. A study by the ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) has demonstrated that Cinnamon and its active components - cinnamaldehyde & procyanidin B2 — administered orally to rats had an inhibitory effect on early-stage prostate cancer.

    Regards and thank you again, Victor 30/5/2024.

    PS.  I hope that Jim who started this topic 3¼ years ago is well.