Triple negative breast cancer

Hello I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer yesterday.

I am 51 tomorrow. Having a PET scan for my birthday.

Chemo to start soon. 

Love to all

  • I have had a double and I found it easier than the lumpectomy to recover from.

    Jolamine xx

  • Hello Caroline

    Have you had any news, I have had my CT scan, it was different to what I have had before, just a cannula in, and connected up to a tube, from there everything was automatic, even the dye, it wasn’t the best of experiences, the machine seem to come over my head and face.

     Have MRI tomorrow week, then I am hoping they come up with a plan, the consultant/surgeon he is going to phone me on the 8th, think he was hoping the scan would be done.

    I hope you have some news moving forward.

    Best Wishes 

    Ann xx

  • Hiya,

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis & birthday treat of a PET scan. 

    I am a 55 year old mother of three adult children (the youngest 21) and was diagnosed with tnbc a month ago. I was concerned about a brown discharge, upon examination the doctor felt a lump. The mammogram, followed by an ultrasound and biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. Since then I’ve been living in a constant state of anxiety and fret with test after test, looking to see if I have anymore tumours. I was suffering panic attacks anticipating the MRI as I have claustrophobia. In the end I was sedated with Diazepam, I took the 5mg pill two hours before and just about managed to get through the process. The CAT scan was a breeze, I was pleased with the preparation before hand especially as I wasn’t alarmed when I started tasting the chemicals and felt the warm liquid going through my veins and even my privates. I had some blood in my urine, in a few days I will have an urology (camera inserted in the urethra). I have provided the saliva swab for the genetic testing as my mother, her sister and niece both had bc. My lumpectomy op is scheduled for Saturday and two weeks later I have a routine colonoscopy scheduled (my mother had colon cancer). It’s been so worrying having all these stones unturned. I think it’s even more worrying than the tnbc as at least that has been found early, is treatable and operable. With each test I fear one will come back with a positive find and affect my perception of mortality….

  • Hi MaxMel,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and then having to have all of these additional tests - this always increases the worry, especially when there is a family history. I am glad to hear that your breast cancer has been caught early and hope that your surgery goes well next Saturday. 

    I am also hoping that your tests down below don't throw up any further challenges. Have you told your family yet? This is always a difficult task, but I'm sure that they will be a great support for you.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on with everything. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx