Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer, Grade II


I went in for a routine mammogram screening first time on December 4th. I was called back for further assessment on December 15th. I had further mammogram screening, ultrasound and biopsy taken on my left breast. The radiologist said it would be either radial scar or cancer. I asked her what  was likely to be from the shape, size and characteristic based on her expertise and experience, she said she was 90% positive it was cancer but in the back of her mind there was a slim chance that it might be radial scar. She reassured me that it was small and she was not worried when she saw the scan.  I felt profoundly sad and start dealing with the situation then. I was called  in for the biopsy result which confirmed that I have Grade II invasive lobular cancer and I will need further MRI scan because the cancer may spread further and was not detected by the mammogram and ultrasound. Since then I became conscious with every ache and pain I have had during the past two years (e.g. lumbar pain, pelvic pain, and shoulder pain). I feel like I am back to where I was before and expected the worst would happen. I will have MRI scan tomorrow and get the result the next day, which is also the same day I will see the consultant. Thank you so much for giving me the platform to talk about this.

  • Hello,

    The result came back and no cancer was not found in sentinel node biopsy. However, one side didn’t get clear margin so I wen back for another lumpectomy 3 weeks ago. I am now waiting to hear if I need mastectomy. If that needs to be done, I am completely okay with it so no anxiety while waiting. I hope all is well with you. Thank you so much for your support xxx

  • Hi XxIzzyxx,

    I am so sorry to hear that you didn't get clear margins and had to have another lumpectomy. Unfortunately, this happens quite frequently. It is good to hear that your sentinel node biopsy came back clear. When do you expect to get the results from your latest surgery? 

    I am glad to hear that you are happy to have a mastectomy if needs be, but I sincerely hope that you get clear margins this time and that this won't be necessary. How are you feeling following your second op?

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Izzy, I am starting very much the same pathway as you. Stage one lobular breast cancer, er and pr+, her2 negative and lumpectomy booked in 2 weeks time. I'm trying to carry on regardless and not worry but still struggle with anxiety sometimes.  My thoughts are with you M x

  • Hi Izzy, I am starting very much the same pathway as you. Stage one lobular breast cancer, er and pr+, her2 negative and lumpectomy booked in 2 weeks time. I'm trying to carry on regardless and not worry but still struggle with anxiety sometimes.  My thoughts are with you M x

  • Thank you very much. Jolamine. I should get the result  next week or the week after if it is like last time. The second op took less time, about 30 mins. The wound itself healed very quickly and I only took 2 working days off because of a long bank holiday weekend. The second lumpectomy caused more distort to the breast shape but at this point when I am not sure if I can keep it, I am not worried about it. xxx

  • Hi Mikka, 

    I am sorry that we have to share this experience. The lumpectomy procedure was very straightforward to me. I found the side effect of sentinel lymph node biopsy was more troublesome. I develop cording on the armpit running across my left arm to just below my elbow and this caused pain. Luckily, my sister flew in to look after me and she literally gave me a 15 min massage for a month. No instruction on how to massage or how much pressure we should put on those cord-like vein. We had to Google and watch YouTube. The cords have mostly disappeared and no pain anymore. I felt okay on day 5 after the first surgery. I didn’t take any pain killer (was given cosine) until I developed a headache on day 3 and I took paracetamol for it. I try to take one step at a time because no amount of worries will change what happened or going to happen. I don't have symptoms and still feel normal so I carry on as normal. I do take things slowly though and stop worrying about little things anymore. I look after myself better, eating more healthily, walk when I can and spend more time with people with positive outlook in life. I don’t think much about  cancer when I am busy. Please me know if you have questions. I wish you all the best for lumpectomy in a few weeks time. xxx

  • Thankyou Izzy, its nice to find out a bit more about what's ahead, in order to stop me thinking too far ahead! You sound strong and have support around you, which luckily I have also. I should prepare to take a week at a time after the op, with rest from work as needed to avoid stress. Keeping busy in the right way sounds so important. Thankyou,  again, take care of yourself, keep in touch xx