First time posting and looking for help.

Hi Everyone, my husband (45yrs) just found on Thursday that he has Kidney Cancer.  He is waiting on an appointment for another Scan to check the chest area to see if it is contained to just the Kidney or if it has spread.  The consultant said that depending on the results of this and if it is contained the plan would then be to operate and remove the Kidney but we are due to sit down and speak with her in about 3 weeks once she has results of chest scan - this feels like an eternity away.  I am on here because for the last few days I have been going crazy.  I'm trying to be strong for my husband so I basically just cry when I'm on my own.  We haven't told anyone as he wants to know the full picture before telling family / friends.  We have 2 young kids (11 yrs & 12 yrs old) and I'm terrified. I don't know what to do.  I hate doing nothing.  I'm just wondering if anyone can offer any advice?  Thank you.

  • Hi Gilly,

    I totally understand where you are coming from.

    It always gets a little easier to talk about once you have told everyone and can talk about it with friends and loved ones. Did you manage to tell the children too?

     You are still at an early stage in your journey, so I'm not surprised that you are still finding this hard and getting emotional about it. You have an anxious wait for the pathology results now and you will feel a little better again, once you have a plan in place for your husband's treatment You are quite right not to look too far ahead. Try to take things one day at a time. 

    Were you told when his results should be back?

    I'm doing ok thank you. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, but that was all 14 years ago - Now I just have to contend with the legacies left by treatment and for that, I am grateful.

    Please continue to let us know how things are going.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx