Mum’s pancreatic cancer

Hi all. Just needing a bit of support.

Around 5 weeks ago, my 74 yr old mum was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. A massive shock, as she’d previously been fit and well and only recently had quite vague symptoms.  

Due to an infection, she has been unfit for any palliative chemo and is now in the local hospice, where I visit her every day for much of the day.

Its now at the point where she’s lost weight, isn’t eating and is sleeping most of the day. I feel totally and utterly devastated and can barely stand to look at her wasting away. I spend lots of time in the relatives room crying.

I’m a 38 year old an only child with no father (already deceased) and it is breaking my heart to face her in the bed every day. Though obviously I want to be by her side.

She is disappearing before my eyes and I don’t know how I can face another day.

How the hell am I supposed to cope?

i have supportive friends and some extended family, but it’s the seeing her getting thinner and more helpless that is tearing me apart.

i love her so much. 

  • hello again eachnewday,

    I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am – cancer is SO unfair. I don't think you are expected to feel motivated about anything right now, grief is all consuming and I hope you're looking after yourself and just letting your mind and body do whatever they need to do right now (if that makes sense).

    my mum is okay, thank you so much for asking. she was only hospitalised with an infection on sunday evening and we were told she was going to die the next day. she is so dependent on oxygen that she would die on the way to the hospice so i hate the fact that she isn't in the "right" place – somewhere where they know how to give palliative care. i spent most of the day with her which is comforting but she gets so upset because the nurses don't do the "nice" things like help her brush her teeth or wash her hair :( 

    I'm glad my advice helped you a bit and that your wonderful mum passed away peacefully with you by her side – just having you there would have been a huge comfort to her. i already know that when my mum is gone, after i have grieved, i am going to spend the rest of my life being absolutely fearless and making her so so proud. maybe one day that will be your motivation too.

    please keep in touch if it makes you feel better xxx