Process and pain of dying with esophagus cancer?

Good morning  All.

Firstly, sorry if I am on the wrong part off the site I am just totally lost. My mother went into Hospital on the 30th December and she is still in. On Thursday 18th I was advised she has Stage 4, Advanced, Oesophagus cancer. I am in the processes of trying to get everything put into place for her. She wants to go home as part of the pallative care and end her days at home. I am trying to get my head arouond this and  be strong for here. I have asked the Docs if they can advise a rough expactancy of live, however, Docs unable / unwilling to advise. Does anyyone have an idea on timescales. I know it has spread to the lymph modes and also more than likley her liver as the doc advised on the shaddowing on there too but not to be too worried about that. I just need to try and esbalish a rough life expepancy so I can try and come to terms with this and try to deal with it.