
Hi - my dad has now started having very minor hallucinations.. he knows they are 'fantasies' as he describes them at this point. He's mostly sleeping but not totally bed-bound (although he can't walk or stand without assistance). 

Anybody got any idea how long he might have left now?

I want to know whether 2-3 weeks is too far away to plan to visit him (I'm a 7.5 hour flight away).

Thank you.


  • Hi Dave,

    Yes, dad is on morphine and no doubt that is largely responsible for the hallucinations. He's also on some other painkiller which I can't remember the name of, but it's more for nerve pain.
    Then he's on steroids and anti-emetics. Those two are largely diet-related of course.

    Sounds like my dad is similar to your mum.. keeps rallying. And long may it last. He seems happy enough and is not in pain, which is the main thing. He does have a very strong will to live.


  • Hi Emily

    I am sure you and your Dad were pleased to see each other and good to hear that the steroids are helping with his appetite.  My hubby's favourite seemed to be fish and chips or chocolate (was with him all the way on the latter!!). 

    Timelines are there to be broken and making the most of that precious visit will give you good memories to look back on eventually. It would be great too if you enjoy another Christmas together.

    Not doing too bad thanks; this time of year is now a bit of an emotional rollercoaster but as always kids and grandkids mean I have much to smile about as well as some sadness  As they say that's life.

    Sending hugs.  Jules

  • Hugs to you Jules - it's wonderful to have things to smile about!

    My dad is enjoying chocolate too - how bizarre. Must be something about it... he was never a huge chocolate fan previously. :)