Something lovely happened

To explain the back story someone I know of passed with leukaemia in covid times . He wanted pink Floyd wish you was here for his reflection Song , his family Were told The song was too long . I’m having extremely bad day today and am myself close to passing., I live near to a holiday park which sometimes has loud music and karaoke I can occasionally here. Just before 12 O’clock. Heard the opening line to the song . So do you think we can tell Heaven from hell . Then it stopped . I heard no more music. Is it a sign from him . I’m taking it as one . I cried . Bless him 

  • Hello Clare_a_bell,

    I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad day recently, but that's an amazing thing to happen and I do hope hearing that song gave you some comfort. I can imagine that sometimes it might feel like no one understands and that can be a lonely place to be, but there is support out there. You can find information on getting help and support on our website and the forum is always here for your whenever you need it.

    Thinking of you,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Clare this made me cry too and these things happen to spiritual people , some people don't get it or understand it because they aren't spiritual ,remember our very first conversation on here about the afterlife I stand by what me you and the other lovely person discussed and I know you do too ,cling on to that because its very real and much better than what we have here ,keep believing I just had to tell you that because the way you've reached out to speak to others these last few months is amazing ,keep your Faith God Bless You Jenny xxx

  •   Thank you Jenny that’s means lot to me .  I’ve been so poorly. Over the past 3 days.. You I remember our chat . It’s just sad that I can’t go back to read it as it was taken down : I do believe in the next life. I was brought up by my mum to Believe from a young age I’ve had stuff happen I just don’t talk about it . I do because I’m poorly sometimes have a moment where I’m not 100% but that doesn’t last long. Hope your ok . God bless xxx

  • It doesn't matter it was taken down its in your heart and nobody can touch anything in there its safe forever ,I hardly tell anybody anything but its stored in my heart for whoever it concerns ,whether past or present ,its a good feeling x

  •    I do feel that it we didn’t mean any upset to anyone talking about religion it wasn’t really about religion it was about spiritualism which is something completely different and it have no religion . As all religion across-the-board in some way shape or form Believe in the  next life  it’s impossible for them not to be anything else outside as I think I said before here is just a Learning platform where we come to gain experience and knowledge to back home will that Knowledge we work on the other side. We can come back in a another life if we haven’t learnt the lessons in intended for the first time around . We repeat it several time. I personally feel I’ve been here before and after this life I feel like I don’t want to return , at this moment in time I’m unsure if I have a choice . It’s called a spiritual contract  we subconsciously agree to it before we are born in our lifetime we can make choices which changes from the script. So I dont Know how many times I  change the script and if i’ve learnt enough this time around to not come back . Fingers crossed I have . Because I feel The world is changing and not for the better . I’m not sure I want to experience it again who knows. Let’s see if I get this post blocked again I don’t think I should Freedom of speech and all that . Also I Feel as people on here going through a very tough journey it gives them comfort to know and understand we go to a better place . That there is Something after this . You take care of yourself Jenny and talk soon hopefully xx

  • Sorry for any spelling mistakes 

  •   on top of being poorly I’m dyslexic and I have problems with my eyes they go blurry hope you can understand it ok 

  • Your posts read fine. A bad habit i have, i don't proofread my posts. So when i read them back, after i hit post, I spot a lot of errors. I'm not dyslexic, so i don't even have that excuse. Talking about dyslexia, don't you find it weird that the word used to describe such a condition, is actually not an easy word to spell in the first place? You'd have thought they would have used a simpler word, to help those that have to type it out when explaining they have it.

  •   yes  it was a hard word to spell I  talk everything into my phone to write it , then  when I read it back there is a mistake only thing on here there isn’t an option to Go back and edit the post 

  • Being Scottish, with a broad accent, me and voice recognition simply don't work. I have quite a heavy Edinburgh accent, and I'm lucky if around 30% of what i speak into the phone comes out, so I simply don't use it. Like those damn automated phone calls you make to companies, i almost always end up getting put through to an operator because their systems don't understand me.