Desert Island Discs

Listening to Desert Island Discs podcasts . It’s been going since the 1950s which I didn’t know. On BBC Radio 4 . You are  put on an Island you take 8 songs with you. What would you pick.?? Music has always been important to me. It’s hard to pick just 8 

  • 48, so would have been around 17 when that song came out. I think it was around 92 or 93.

  • Jeez, you're a young thing.

    I'm reaching the age where something will no doubt get me. Not a single male in my family (who are actually blood related) have reached the age of 60. My dad died aged 44 of an aneurysm, both my grandads died from sudden heart attacks, and my uncle pancratic cancer. I tell a lie, one of my grandads died a day after his 60th. The next day.

    When my wife was going through cancer, and i wasn't being dramatic at all, i stated she'd probably outlive me. I still fully expect her to. I always think the only thing that separates people is some people have a fair idea of their own mortality, than others.

    Because 2 close relatives have had aneurysms in my family, I was offered a brain scan to see if i had the condition. I was about to, but the neurologist i saw stated, if it was him, he wouldn't have one because many are inoperable. So i would be living my life knowing i had a ticking time bomb in my head that i would have no control over. So i opted out of it, as did my brother and sister. The chances one of us having it is very high.

  •   sorry to read that . I’m from a long line of dodgy hearts and cancer. My mum passed at 67 a week after her birthday. She was only poorly from the September went into hospital 2 weeks before she passed on the 22nd of October. My auntie , two great uncle and a Great auntie have passed with cancer. I have a Cousin who also had cancer and a cousin with kidney cancer. The others apart from my auntie had leukaemia . My auntie had a bowel cancer . The other side of the family. Pass young from heart attacks my Nan and her dad both quickly, she had been on a night out , came home and passed in the chair: my Great grandad was at a Job interview and passed in the waiting room .i think if I was I wouldn’t to know either . I knew I was poorly but tried to Forget it . I did keep asking for help and was turned away as I now know that with kidney Problems you get anaemia which Can make you have anxiety , confusion and depression so they told me a had anxiety and IBS . Then I found a lump in my armpit 

  • My 8 songs would be. Caroline (Status quo) *** on feel the noise ( Slade ) Barber's adagio for strings, Pacabell's Cannon, You were always on my mind (Elvis Presley) These are the days of our lives (Queen )  Remember when ( Tim Mgraw ) and finally  The theme music from raise the Titanic.