Desert Island Discs

Listening to Desert Island Discs podcasts . It’s been going since the 1950s which I didn’t know. On BBC Radio 4 . You are  put on an Island you take 8 songs with you. What would you pick.?? Music has always been important to me. It’s hard to pick just 8 

  • Really need someone to talk to right now it’s been a long long bad day 

  • Hiya. Sorry i wasn't able to respond. The father-in-law was rushed to hospital on Friday with sepsis. It's all non cancer related, and all age related. He had a catheter inserted weeks ago after an infection made it impossible to pass urine, and catheters being catheters cause their own issues. Due to his age, they aren't gonna do scans to see what the actual blockage is. Could have just been the infection initially, but they're now suspecting there may be some sort of blockage in the bladder. But he's just waaaay too frail to have any sort of biopsy should anything be found, so scanning him achieves nothing other than causing him needless stress. Luckily, the antibiotics and adrenaline has done it's job, and the worst of the infection seems to be over.

    The guy is as hard as rocks. 95 and has overcome a lot of things like this.

  • Sorry to read this about your father-in-law glad that the antibiotics are working for him : bless his heart. Sending you all a hug . How is your wife bless her ??

  •   it was I saw that you commented on the lady’s post who had been ask out on a date . I Also commented after I few days for thinking what to says . I’m not so great with wording stuff like you are . I keep looking and she has not commented back. I’ve been thinking about her . As she is all the similar situation as me . As in she is terminally poorly. I think I’m a bit closer to the. Pearly gates than her . I wanted to ask you your advice , I’ve met someone on here. I think I did mention it to you before briefly ??  We have found there is a connection and we have talked  for hours . About Music and past experiences. He is also very poorly they don’t know what is next for him at the moment. He is on a trial drug the 3rd one . The last two didn’t work . He is in hospital most days what with mri Scans , platelets transfusions ,he had an operation on his eye last week as he had a haemorrhage which took his eyesight in the eye . They have tried to correct it . He was in a coma and in hospital for Several months. We have been talking for 3 weeks now it feels like so much longer. We message all day and night . The first day was over 17 hours: we have told each other that we love each other . I guess I just wanted to talk to somebody about it . I feel Angry that I’m dying maybe we are dying we don’t know that why . How can I find the love of my life I feel we feel the same way. That we have never felt like this before. And it’s at the end of my life. We do feel that we will be together in the next life, I don’t want to go and leave him , I keep saying that he should meet someone else:,I said on several occasions that I will stop messaging him because he will be upset when I pass . He says that he Doesn’t want me to stop talking to him and he doesn’t want anybody else : that he wants to be with me: I feel bad for feeling like that . As he has 3 grown-up children . I keep saying to have to keep fighting for them . He said he is tired of fighting now : I try to keep him positive and I didn’t always tell him when I’m in pain. I’ve been so poorly the last few days. I felt that I was going . Sorry to Go on it’s just that you was so kind to the other lady and to me on my other posts . I thought you may have some advice: maybe I just needed to get it off my chest and down in words, thank you for reading it x 

  • The wife is just under massive stress. I think this is where all the fatigue she has is stemming from, so we're not unduly worried about the upcoming tests she's to get just to double-check.

    About your second post, why not just roll with it? I don't see why you need to square it off in your head. You deserve to be happy regardless of how long you may have. I always think it's better to be happy for a day, than never to experience it at all. Your own story shows us doctors can't really tell what the future truly holds. What i mean by that, you got told you never had weeks left, yet here you are "weeks" later.

    I always think if you have something to focus on, which you do seem to have, it gives you something to hold onto and to stop all the doom and gloom engulfing you. Whether you realise it or not, you're coming across a lot more positive today than you were a few weeks ago. You're no longer sounding defeated at every turn. So yeah, so i see no downsides to you looking forward to talking to this person daily.

  • Thank you yes I do look forward to talking to him every day . We talk till the early hours in the morning. I has made me Think more positive and keep my mind occupied from what is going on . Because we talk on a different platform we are to send songs from YouTube and share pictures from our old life before we were poorly I do feel it helps us both . We both believe in the next life. We make plans to meet back up there 

  • Thought I would do 8 more 

    R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts

    Everything But The Girl - Missing

    Billie Myers - Kiss The Rain

    Dina Carroll - Don't Be A Stranger

    N Trance - Set You Free

    The Temper Trap - Sweet Disposition

    Foo Fighters | Everlong (Acoustic  

    Stand - It's Been Awhile

  • N Trance, now, there's a blast from the past. When i was a fresh-faced teen.

  • I don’t remember what year it came out . I just rememberer my friend had it on cd and I didn’t  I always like that especially the beginning with the Thunder and lightning . She always Said I sounded more like a toilet