How can life be so cruel

How can life be so cruel. You find someone who is so kind, nice and understands  you because they have been through similar things  . But I’m dying what I kick in the teeth. Maybe we would of just been great friends but it’s not fair . 

  • Hope you get some rest take care. Xx

  • Hello I hope you slept ok xx

  • Hiya Clare.  Just been to make myself a cup of tea.  How are you?  Have you slept okay?  Have you eaten?  I didn't sleep at all in the night.......pain.  I feel so exhausted.  As you know Clare, it is impossible to sleep when you are in pain.  Clare I was reading a post where you mentioned that you have always tried to do right by folks and you end up getting hurt.  That resonated with me so much!  Lately I have been doing a LOT of reflecting on my life, and I have realised that there were too many times when I put the needs of other folks above my own needs.  I suspect you are realising the same thing.  My Mum once told me that there are 2 types of people in the world:  The givers and the takers.  I think that folks like us fall in to the first category.  I can think of one particular example of a 'friend' that betrayed me in the most horrible way.  For a long time I felt bitter and resentful towards this man, but then I had a light bulb moment:  My bitterness and resentment wasn't hurting was hurting ME.  So I decided to forgive him, right then and there.  You know what Clare, it was such a relief to put that burden down.  When I think of my friend now, I almost feel sorry for him, because I am the one that can look in the mirror without feeling ashamed of myself.  I wonder if he can?  You are the better person Clare.  You showed love and kindness........YOUR soul is in tact.  Anyway mate, enough of my waffling, stay strong, xx  

  • Hello sorry to hear that you haven’t slept. I’ve not been to sleep yet . I think your mum was right about  the two types of people. I read once that you could describe them as drains and radiators . I like you always put others before myself. Always let people talk to me out of term then got mad for not Sticking up for myself, . It’s is odd that with this horrible illness your mind and memories are so Sharp more than they have ever been so I find myself going over things from years ago . Like you said I’ve been thinking about school my first day. . Take care hope you get some sleep. Xx