I got notifications for the comments on a post But a bit after , but for private messages it’s hours after they are send . Also the time showed when send looks like it’s over an hour behind the actual time
I got notifications for the comments on a post But a bit after , but for private messages it’s hours after they are send . Also the time showed when send looks like it’s over an hour behind the actual time
Hello Clare
I'm sorry that you're experiencing some issues with the private messaging service. I will flag this with the community management team and they will get back to you about this when they are in the office next week.
Many thanks
Cancer Chat moderator
Ok thank you: I says you have a message, you look and it not there . So I come out the app and back in then it’s there .
Hello Clare37,
This morning our team ran some tests to check for this issue and we found all email notifications were being delivered immediately. We can only assume this was a temporary glitch. With regards the message timestamp. We can see that this is showing incorrectly and so will be talking to our technical team to try and get this fixed as soon as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing us at cancerchat@cancer.org.uk if you experience any further problems.
Moderator Anastasia
Hi Clare sorry to bother you again but we have resolved the issue with the timestamp showing that it is an hour behind. Members have the option to set their account to their own time zones depending on where they live. I checked your account, and it was set at UTC+00. As you know, during British Summer Time (BST), we move the clocks forward by one hour, in effect changing the time zone from UTC+00:00 to UTC+01:00. I have now changed your time zone setting to UTC+1 which is the equivalent of British Summertime. We have tested this and it now shows your messages at the correct time.
Thank you for flagging this to us and apologies for any inconvenience caused