Don’t know how long I have left

I’m not sleeping at night or in the day now . I got 3 hours last night. There is so much going on in my head : will it hurt when I pass . Is there anything after this if yes who will meet me : well I know I have passed. I’m scared of what I’m doing to miss I should of had Years yet ; I should of been passing with kids and Grandkids with me . I didn’t have kids : my mum has already passed. My dad is in a nursing home . I only have the ladies who come in to look after me . I’m at home now . Don’t know how long I have left 

  • It wasnt deleted, I think that the moderators had locked the post, maybe they were concerned that you might have been upset with the conversation about God & heaven etc?  As I said hopefully Blue-girl and Jenny will pop back and chat again, Blue-girl certainly will understand the situation that you are in.

    By typing this, they should get an email and hopefully come back to chat some more, regardless of beliefs, its always good to be able to chat to people that understand the situation that you are in.

    If you wanted to post a reply to either of them, just scroll up to their last message and hit the reply and type what you want to say to them. 

    I hope that you are as comfortable and pain free as you can be.

    Best Wishes
