Feel so sad and lost needed to reach out and talk to someone im not sleeping
Feel so sad and lost needed to reach out and talk to someone im not sleeping
Hey… I had non Hodgkin stage 4 cancer and acute leuchimia …. No chances to survive max life expectancy 1 week and it passed 27 years since then… was a struggle but now I’m fully cured. So never despair…
Been told no help I’m at home on end of life care
Same for me … they’ve sayd same thing… any pain? What type of cancer is?
I understand … and what doctors exactly told you?… in my case they sayd I have no hope but I did in fact… from 0 chances … my tumor was generalised on heart lungs kidneys and spline … also in blood since I had leuchimia aswell…all the time is a chance … try to get you’re body to eliminate substances drink clear tea that helps against purifying the blood since the kidney are responsible of eliminitating bad products from the sistem…
Just exhausted only pain is under my arm so it’s in my lymph nodes very red and sore . It’s like a pressure in my head and Chest not pain .
And my eyes run constantly now I was told that Is a imbalance because of the kidneys not working
Yes when kidney and liver fails to do job properly body experiencing difficulties…. I understand how much of a stress you might experiencing… I understand but I cand do nothing more than write to you. You need to try to rest relax … keep a cool environment and a fresh air source open it might help