Breast cancer ( Ductal Carcinoma )

Hey everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday with Ductal Carcinoma its 2cm tumour in the upper breast and is effecting 3 lmpth nodes. My Dr was very positive yesterday and when i asked if it was treatable he said yes!  And even asked me if i wanted to preserve my eggs for any future pregnancies.

Its shocking when your the one in that seat and never thought you would be.. im 33 year old with a 2 year old girl. They told me i was lucky i found it and i came in. Apparently the Dr said its a common type of cancer and treatable. Anyone else out there as the same type? Because of my age im getting chemo first and its going to be aggressive treatment thrown at me.. sounds like a bumpy ride and im scared but also i know i need to do it and remain strong.. i want to see my baby grow up! Im.staying away too. Please anyone who as had this or is going through this please message me your positive stories. Thank you x

  • Hi GL91, I’m glad I found this site. It’s oddly reassuring to read other people’s stories and experiences. I’m 51 and found a lump last year. They diagnosed a cyst, said it was a cluster of small cysts and to just monitor it. In March it started to change, was sore and had enlarged. I had a biopsy on July 1st and received the results today (July 11th). The wait was horrendous. I’ve got a 4cm her2-negative, er-negative stage 2 with no lymph nodes affected. Awaiting CT scans to check bones and organs are clear before starting chemo. It’s currently 3AM and I’m just overthinking and wondering about the treatment and how I’m going to react. I want to continue working and carry on through treatment. Keep busy, remain positive and focused. I don’t know what chemo or number of cycles but the nurse today suggested it will likely be about a 5 month course. I have an appointment on 18th to have a clip inserted into the tumour so they can locate the site for the post-chemo lumpectomy. I did wonder if just having a unilateral mastectomy would be an option and skip the chemo?!  I’ll update as my treatment begins. Like others have said, I just want to get started on the treatment now.

  • I had my biopsy last week and get my results and treatment plan next Friday 19 July. I was thiking the same thing as you about asking about a double mastectomy. I am 62 and don't want chemo or radiotherapy. I would prefer to just get everything taken off and move forward from there. I am interested in what you find out or are told. 

  • I will certainly ask when I go back for my treatment plan. I’ve got CT scan tomorrow and bone scan on Monday and hope I’ll get the treatment plan scheduled soon after.

  • Hi, how did your treatment plan meeting go? Wondered if yours was similar to mine with ours being so similar. 

  • Hi smudge so they have said to me weekly paxilatel then 3xec chemo herceptin and radiotherapy and also to start tamoxifen for the oestrogen positive part what chemo is it your having?

  • Weekly pacitaxel for 12 weeks with 12 months herceptin. Then radiotherapy and tamoxifen.

    So the same apart from the 3x ec chemo part??? What’s that? Also how many weeks is your weekly pacitaxel?

  • Why the CT scan and the bone scan? Do we all have to have those?

  • The ec is another sort of chemo it’s usually every three weeks I’m waiting a call back on Monday as they confused me how many of each type of chemo but they said weekly pacitaxal I think for 9 weeks and then 3 x ec chemo along with the herceptin then radiotherapy and tamoxifen it’s mad how every consultant says different plans 

  • Yes, it is mad. It’ll be interesting what they say when they call you back on Monday. Did they give you a start date? I think mine might start on 19th August as they said I can go on the big family holiday we already had booked. 

  • I have a holiday booked 10 aug til 20th I’ve already cancelled one so she said I can have my hol first but I’m starting tamoxifen straight away then will need to stop it a week before my chemo starts