I hate it it's just sad i have no one to talk about it. I just can't tell anybody
I hate it it's just sad i have no one to talk about it. I just can't tell anybody
How are you doing today antk? I lost my mum very suddenly a couple of months ago in a similar way, I really feel for you. All I can suggest is not to try and make sense of your emotions, just let them be how they are and be very kind to yourself. this is such a huge trauma and shock.It sounds like you are at the heart of your family so it's so important you are able to get through this time however you need to.Sending you a big hug x
Hi Oliver99
I lost my mother to cancer 5 years ago so I can completely understand what you are going through. I found comfort in writing about my feelings because I'm also not the type of person that can express how I feel to other people. Honestly, time heals the heart, it will become easier to accept that your mum is in a better place and she is watching over you and I'm sure she would want you to live a happy life. Don't get me wrong I think about my mum everyday and I still feel sad but it has become easier over time. I found happiness in the fact that my mum is watching over me and I make every decision that would make her proud. So stay strong and make your mother proud xx