
My husband died 9 wk ago  my kids are very good  but life isnt the same  now i miss him so much  i just wish he could come back  and let me know he is ok 

  • Hi Jules , hope every think goes well with the baby its something to look forward to, im sure your hubby is looking down with a smile on his face i can understand your mixed feelings sad and happy at the same timebut im sure the baby will fetch joy into your life .i wish i had granchildren its not to late yet but time is passing take care Syl x

  • Thanks Syl, just returned from having my first cuddle. Darcey Megan was born at 1.40 today weighing 8lb 5oz and all the family are doing well.  My first grand-daughter and she is beautiful but then I am biased!!

    Hope you have had a relaxing and peaceful day.  Take care. Jules x

  • Hi Cris  sorry i havnt replied up till now ,some days are ok  and i have bad days i try to get out  some days  i also go out 2 nights  a week ,the wk ends and nights  seem to be the worst my kids include me in things  but sometimes i feel like a spare part.regards Syl x

  • Hi Anne  sorry  i havnt replied sooner, its been 14 wk now  since ym husband died some times it feels like yesterday some days it seems  a  life time ago ,i  to have photos of my husband all over the house i speak to him all the time  and kiss his photo before i go to bed .hope your feeling ok Sylvia  x

  • How lovely glad every thing went well ,its a lovely name you will be kept busy now  am going out with a friend later on only to a market we will  have a coffee while were out it takes my mind off things for a while take care Syl x

  • Thanks Syl,

    Have had a couple of visits to the new family but now hoping they will have a little more peace to adjust to this new life.  I think Darcey's maternal great grandmother is travelling from Somerset to visit today as well as a new aunt and uncle so they will stagger the visiting so that new Mum and baby still get some rest.

    Hope you had a good visit to the market with your friend.  I did find it helped to stay busy in the early months and chatting with friends and family even about everyday things gave some purpose to day to day activities. I don't think my house had ever seen so much housework done and then redone to fill some of the long hours (often quiet chores when sleep was evasive!)

    It is 17 months today since my hubby died but does not always feel that length of time has passed. Looking back (not something I do too much) I know I am in a more accepting place these days but still miss him and the emotional rollercoaster continues, none more so than with the arrival of Darcey.  Hubby would have been over the moon just as he was with our two grandsons but I know our son will tell her all about him as she grows up.  For now we are all very happy to see a new life in the family who will, I know , be much loved.

    Wishing you a peaceful and relaxing weekend.Take care  Jules x

  • Hi Jules ,  on my own today had a cry this morning ,its good to keep busy it stops you thinking about  things that could have been.people tell me not to think like that but i cant help it ,its hard to think a bout  the future with out him as well so you cant win ,might take my self off to a garden centre later to get out for a bit   take care x Sylvia

  • Hi Syl,

    Glad to hear there is another garden centre lover posting.  I have one about 2miles away which I walk to most free weekends and though I do not buy every time, I do find some peace in wandering amongst the flowers and during the first year of hubby's passing found it quite good therapy to be in the garden (sitting still for too long led to too much in depth thinking!!).  It has the added bonus of a good little cafe for a pick me up cup of tea/coffee and good supplies of wild bird food (I have a few feeding stations and love to watch the birds or take a few photos).

    Always good to let the emotion out I think, as bottling it up just makes things worse.  Had a good few tears when Darcey was born both with the happiness she brings and the sadness that her paternal grandad will not have the pleasure of meeting her.  He had better be watching over them all.

    This morning I had a manicure and then did my half hour gym circuit before heading off to town to food shop.  Have been back a little while now and been sitting for too long so am off for a late afternoon walk which should help my practise for upcoming 5K charity event.

    Take care, Jules x

  • Hi jules , i enjoyed the garden centre bought a  few plants and had a coffee ,been a bit down for a few days , get fed up with my own company sometimes .  Life isnt  as happy has it used to be  and its  quite lonely now .keep up the good work with your running you must be fit .i coudnt run for toffee regards Syl .

  • Hi Syl

    Glad you found some plants at the garden centre and you will benefit from seeing them in your own garden. I spent a lot of time in the garden during the first  six/nine months after I lost hubby as found it good therapy to be concentrating on something I enjoyed (and was always more my space as my husband travelled away for his job). Being an only child, and having few relatives on my side of the family (hubby's siblings moved to the Isle of Man three weeks before he died so do not see them much) I suppose I was used to spending time on my own but did and still do miss hubby (and probably always will).  Am lucky that at the moment the children are fairly close and with the arrival of baby Darcey we are in touch regularly via technology!! but I want them to enjoy their own lives, as we did ours during the years we were together.  Time, and life, is so precious and I have learnt the hard way that I need to make the most of my time, however the future turns out.  I still take one day at a time and no longer expect too much of myself so if I have an emotional day or days sobeit. 

    I hope you will, in time, find things a little easier and I know our men would be proud of us, though to be honest think mine would  be laughing at the fact that I chose to have a new kitchen 'at my age' and when I am not a particularly good cook!!!  Still the house was a bit dated and in need of some TLC so another project which gave me focus.

    Take care and be kind to yourself.  Jules x