My wife is dying

Hi my beautiful baby girl is die with cancer,  its 2.38 am in the morning as I sit beside her witching her sleeping and dreaming knowing at anytime it will be her last dream, she's only 45 and I'm 54 and we had dreams to fulfil, we wanted to retire on the Isle of Wight where I was born and many more dreams but now it's all gone and I'm heartbroken, it's so hard watching my beautiful wife my soul mate suffering, she is such a strong lady much stronger then i am, I always called her my Angel in disguise because she guided my through life but now she really will be my Guardian Angel 

  •    how are you both this evening x

  • Hello Matthew.c

    So much thought for others when you are both going through so much, thank you for your kind and comforting words, means so very much. 

    You are so right, I tell myself everyday how lucky I was to be my husbands wife, to share the years we had in life with together.  We will always have that.  I too believe in all you said.  I know my husband is in a better place, that was something we spoke about in his last days and it gave him a lot of comfort.  I truly believe my husband is watching over us all too, so many times I have had signs, always the same sign.  We had a pond in our garden, one day long before my husband was ill a very large beautiful dragon fly settled on a lilly flower in the pond.  Never saw one like that again in the garden, until the morning after my husband had passed away.  I pulled up the kitichen blind the following morning and there in the garden was a huge beautiful dragon fly.  I went out into the garden with my daughter we stood side by side next too the pond the dragon fly flew around the garden then came to me and fluttered for about 10 seconds in front of my face then too my daughter stood by me and did the same, then flew around the garden one more time and then left.  I went to Canada with a friend, we went for a trip along a river, as I sat on the little boat a dragon fly flew above my head.  When I got off at the end of the trip and one hr 15 minutes later a dragon fly flew above my head.  So many of the cards sent to me after my husband died had dragon flys on them.  Life is not the same he is missed beyond words but I try to live for him my daughter, grandsons, friends and for me.  I take him with me where ever I go, whatever I do.  The strength and love he gave to me helps me to carry on and the belief that one day I will be with him again.  The morning before my husband passed, he looked at me and said its time, I could only hug him and tell him how much I love him and will always love him, I asked will he keep a place for me,his reply too was "always".  It then dawned on me several hours after he had passed, that it was his dads birthday, I knew his dad was waiting for him and why my husband had said it was time.  With my heart broken that too helped me to think that he was not alone.

    I wish with all my heart that you and your beautiful wife were not on this journey at this time.  You are right, we need to celebrate all our memories to keep us close to our loved ones, until one day we will reunite.

    I send you both much love take care xx

    This forum has given me so much help too over the years, never alone, sadly too many people going through so much, but it does help you to know your not alone.

    God bless xx

  • Hello Clare-a-bell

    Thank you for your words and comfort when you too are going through so much.  I am so sorry to read your post too.  I wish with all my heart that you too were not on this journey.  To know you have had beautiful dreams, have seen your mum and your baby girl and feel that you are going home to them is so moving, I dont have words.  I truly believe you will be with them in a better place together forever.  Much love to you, and thank you for sharing your story, never gone xx

  •    I was just reading your reply’s to just both . How lovely is that about the dragonfly . I’ve never seen one . My thing was always butterfly’s with my mum . I’ve always liked them as well . My middle name is. Vanessa and I only found out a few years ago it means butterfly xx

  • Hi Clare-a-bell

    Thats so lovely, Vanessa means butterly and all they mean to you.  I took my youngest grandson out today on his little bike, we saw quite a few butterflies.   I also planted a buddleia in our backgarden a couple of years ago, called Davidii, dark purple in colour.  Attracts so many beautiful butterflies.  My husbands name is David xx

  • That’s lovely, my favourite colour is purple and it’s also a very spiritual colour . I’m sure David knows about his buddleia . So that’s kelly and David I need to look out for and say hi to . My name is clare as you Can see . Clare a bell because my mum called me it . My someone is  Andrew. He got a purple butterfly tattoo for me xx

  • Hi Leigh thank you so much for your sweet lovely message, I watched my beautiful baby girl die in my arms today at 15,28, she passed so beautiful and peacefully 

    I feel numb I don't know what to think or say 

    She's was in so much pain bless her but I know now she is resting in peace 

    You both have such a lovely beautiful relationship and memories are everything take care bye bye for now 


  • Hi Clare unfortunately my beautiful baby girl died today at 15,28, she is now at peace and she is not now going through any pain her passing was so beautiful 

    Please take care bye bye for now xxx 

  • I’m sorry to read this Matthew you will be numb I know it’s very different to losing your wife . I lost my mum to cancer . She will be with her loved ones now . They will be welcoming her home. Please talk if you can / want to . My someone Andrew he is called was taken in to hospital this evening. It’s not looking good. Xx

  • Hi Clare thank you for your lovely message i am laying on the bed in the dark hoping she will say bye and to let me know she is happy and at peace but know I won't see her again.

    So sorry to hear about your Andrew God bless you both and my broken heart feels for you both Clare xx