My mum stage 4 liver & Pancreas cancer and i need advice

Hi , my mother has stage 4 liver and pancreas cancer .She had breast cancer about 20 years ago and got through it .

she was diagnosed in november and now on a second lot of tablets after the first lot stopped working , I have asked her many questions of which i think the main one of how long have they told you that you have left and she has not told me anything,So i just dont know what to expect .My mum has always been a fighter and protected us all ,If she has ever gone through problems she has kept it from us so not to upset us and make us worry. I just want to do the best i can and know whats in store and how long she has to left. The more i try and read into this the more upset and worried . If anybody can give me some advise it would be really greatfull, thankyou 


  • Your welcome Pam ...

    There's books and advice on almost anything except how to deal with loosing someone , even before they go ... all we can do is listen to our hearts ... when we take each day, and fill it with love , it means you'll look back and be proud you did ...

    It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do in life.. but so many of us have been there too .. I was 36 when I lost my mum suddenly from a heart attack and had no chance to even say those things like I was so proud to be her daughter.... she was fine one Monday morning .. we chatted on the phone about her comming to mine the next day .. last thing I said was "see ya tomoz , mum"   at 5.20 that afternoon she'd gone ... what I'd have given for just one day,  one hour ...

    That's why now I know, no one knows if they have tomorrow,  cancer or not ... anyone can go ... so everyday we all get, don't waist one of them, know how precious every day is ... we don't get a second chance .... sending you a vertual hug....  Chrissie  

  • Aww so sorry Chrissie, life can be so wonderful and at the same time so cruel. 

    I appreciate your words and my heart breaks for you, I understand you feel like you have been robbed. My dad died when I was 25 a good few years back now, I had told him on the saturday I was getting married, he was so proud. He died on the Thursday suddenly of a brain haemorrhage. That was a shock.  I know we have had mum alot longer but my sister and I don’t want to lose her. We do not know which is worst the not knowing or the knowing. Its a difficult one, but what you have said in your words we have time for our goodbyes and to make memories. Thankyou again and here’s my  warmest regards to you. Have a nice evening. Pam.