My mom has stage 4 cancer and I can't cope anymore

It was November 2015 when my mom was officially diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer. She went through radiotherapy and chemotherapy and though the doctors were hopeful that it would shrink the tumour, it didn't. Instead, it grew and eventually developed in stage 4 around last year. Now, she's in china getting alternative treatments done since the best thing NHS can offer her here is palliative care. Through the doctors in China are positive they can treat her, sometimes it's hard to stay positive especially when it's at a very late stage and has spread to her bones. 

I'm 19 years old and just started my first year of uni in London. Since I'm the only child and my dad is with my mom in China, I live by myself at home and try to balance school and a part time job. this busy schedule has kept me distracted for a while but now, I feel like all those bottled up emotions are just let loose. I'm afraid that I can't cope any longer and I just can't stop thinking about my mom, especially being so far away. Only a few of my friends know and I don't really talk to them much about it, only when they ask really. Without sounding selfish, I honestly feel like I'm at the brink of depression. my sleeping pattern is just upside down and I've lost weight even when I feel like I'm eating all the time. Also, since the treatments are private we mostly rely on fundraisings to get by, another thing that I cannot get out of my head. I'm finding it so hard to stay strong for for her, I just want my mom back. 

i would do absolutely anything and everything for my mom but at my current state I feel like I can't even get out of bed when I need to and it's affecting my school education. I just miss my mom so much and I just want to be able to spend time with her for as long as possible, she wouldn't hurt a fly and deserves everything good in this world. I can't even bring myself to read some of the other forums without crying my eyes out and just even thinking about losing my mom, it's the most heartbreaking thing. 

thank you for listening to me rant about this. it felt good to let it out a little. I guess I just want advise on how to cope better? And how to get back on track? 

Thank you!

  • i know what your going through my mum had cancer and lives in the midlands and i live in london as soon as i found out she had cancer i went home straight away, i stayed till she had the operation and once it was done i came back to london she stated her radio therapt whilst i was here and when i went back to visit her i couldnt shrug the feeling of guilt after seeing the marks the treatment had left and i wasnt there even though my sister were with her. i recently found out i have abnormal cells and will be having a colposcopy on tuesday, iv only told my close friends and not told my family as i know it would be hard for my mum to know ill be having the tests done and there is a chance i could have cancer.

    best thing you can do is stay strong sometimes we feel like we cant cope but it just takes a good friend to help bring you out of the depression mode.


  • I’m going through the exact same thing, I’m 18 and my mum has stage 4 cancer. It’s so scary and feels like your living in a nightmare, I totally understand how you feel. Keeping yourself busy is a good idea as worrying doesn’t help it only takes away your happiness. Worry more about your mental health and well being instead of education as materialistic things are nothing, that’s what my situation has taught me. 

  • I couldnt just read this and run as it basically sums up exactly how I feel. My mum has stage 3 womb cancer which has attached itself to the outside of her bowels. I have 3 children to look after as well as a business to run when all i want to do is sleep and run away from it all.

  • Oh, my love. I felt every word of that. I'm going through something similar. I'm so glad you found somewhere to get it all out. Feels good doesn't it? 

    as an only child you're going through this on your own. I know you haven't spoken to your friends much about it. You probably don't want to be a downer on them right? But your friends are probably feeding off your pretend okayness and don't want to bring you down so don't mention it. Right? It's a vicious cycle mate. 

    are your tutors aware of the situation? If not, pick your favourite and let them know what's going on. You'd be surprised how speaking to a stranger who cares can help. 

    you've got so much on your plate and yes you're worried for your Mim and your dad is with her so you're on your own. But you absolutely have to look after yourself too. 

    take a step back. Give yourself a break. You're not a robot. It's ok to seek solace. You're just a person who's hurting too xxx


    big hugs and best wishes for you and your family xxx