Severe anxiety and worry - boyfriend is in remission for a 2nd time from lymphoma but now having tests for possible secondary skin cancer

Like most of us in this position, we are all extremely worried about our loved ones. I've been a carer on and off for my boyfriend who is in remission for a 2nd time from lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.

He's now going for more scans/tests as we are concerned he has a secondary skin cancer. It's very early days but I have been in this situation before and it doesn't get any easier.

My anxiety is sky high and I feel worried. I don't feel hungry at all, because I feel consumed with worry. I feel lonely and I feel fed up of this constant cycle of worry and paranoia. 

We're a young couple, I'm 29, he's 31. We've just had cancer in our lives for 3 years and we have barely recovered, we have had enough. When will it END! 

Has anyone found anything useful that makes you worry less or is this just the way it has to be?

  • Hello SBNS

    I'm so sorry to hear about all that you and your boyfriend have been through over the past few years. It's a lot and it's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed and struggling with anxiety. 

    The first thing I would say is please speak to your GP about your anxiety. Being able to better manage your anxiety will certainly help you to begin to process all that you've been through and find a way forward. 

    I'd also really recommend getting some support. If there is a Maggie's in your local area then you could pop in for a chat with one of their cancer support specialists. I'd also suggest reaching out to Shine Cancer Support, they are a charity that specifically supports people your age who are living with or impacted by a loved one having a cancer diagnosis. It may be that connecting with other people your own age will help you to feel less alone in dealing with things. If you work, then it's worth checking if your employer has an Employee Assistance Programme as you should be able to access some counselling support. You could also talk with your boyfriend's specialist cancer nurse/team to see what support services are available for you both in your local area. 

    It's really difficult to know when things will become more settled for you both. That's why it's important to get some support in place to help you manage things on a day-to-day basis. If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some support and advice you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    There's no denying this is a rollercoaster for you both and at the moment you just don't know when things will slow down or stop so please reach out for some professional support to help you both. 

    Keep in touch with the Cancer Chat community if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing how you're feeling. We're here for you. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator