We have just been told my Mum has weeks/months to live and I’m absolutely devastated.

We have just been told my Mum has weeks/months to live and I’m absolutely devastated. Up until Friday we knew nothing.
we live and do everything together and have the best times and I can’t imagine what life will be like without her. I don’t have my own family through choice/it’s just not happened, so I will be left in our house all on my own. I do have family nearby and friends but it just won’t be the same. I don’t know what to do with myself. Will I be able to cope?

  • Sending you a big hug.   I lost my mum to cancer 5 weeks ago so I know exactly how you are feeling.   If you ever need a chat I'm always here xx

  • Thank you!! Mum passed away on Thursday morning!! It’s not only the loss of my lovely mum, but my whole life will be different now because of the circumstances mentioned. It’s very overwhelming and heartbreaking. I can’t believe it wasn’t even 2 weeks between her finding out she had cancer and passing away!! I don’t know what I’ll do without her, she was my rock!! Xx

  • I am so sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to you xxx

  • Hi Starshine,

    I am so very sorry to hear this and I send my deepest condolences. This will be a particularly hard time for you with, all sorts of new challenges, but you will get through it. Don't look too far ahead, just take things one day at a time. Do you have a nice photo of your mum? After my mum died, I placed one in a prominent place and I often found myself talking to it - this may sound daft, but I got a lot of comfort from that.

    I have accepted your friend request and I am always here if you want to chat.

    Thinking of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx