Feeling of something stuck in throat

For 5 months I've had the sensation of something sharp or prickly low down in my throat, which obviously makes me cough a bit and want to clear my throat. I have no problem swallowing and don't have any other symptoms other than occasional earache ( which oddly switches between ears) and a very slight croak in my voice which I can feel no one listening to me can notice.

Have had anti-biotics and also blood test (which came back "normal") but due to Covid no face to face consultation. ( Currently awaiting one with ENT)

Obviously driving me mad and causing a lot of anxiety. 

Has anyone had anything similar, or any suggestions. 

Obviously I'm concerned about throat cancer but it seems odd that the symptoms have not worst and I haven't developed any new ones 

  • I have same thing. Feels like something sharp at one side of throat,near my windpipe.  Coughing a lot. It feels like something is stuck. I discount and choke a lot one day and could taste blood and then its as if it moved a little. Now sore on one side with a jagginv feeling. My gland is swollen at that side too. Gp referred me to ent but they said they have no appointments.  didn't bring me in to examine me said I would need a camera down. I am worried as I break out coughing when I go to speak.

  • Hello all of you with symptoms in your throat .. I am a throat cancer survivor ! If you feel something isn't right , get back to your doctors and fight for that ENT appointment . If you can afford it maybe go privately to get seen. NHS specialist are seeing patient's for other things apart from Covid  so please go back to your doctors .it could be nothing but go anyway . X x x

  • Hello Miche3 ad thanks for posting, 

    I am sorry to learn about what has been going on and that the ENT referral made by your GP never come to anything. I think the best thing to do is to let your GP know what has happened and ask them for their advice and if they can do anything.  

    I am not sure how old you are, but as a general rule, cancer is less common in younger people so less likely to be a cause of their symptoms, but whatever your age you still need to be given an explanation for these symtpoms. 

    Although it is an option, paying for a private consultation could turn out to be expensive, so I think before you consider this it would be best to talk to your GP and ask them what you should do.

    Bear in mind that symtpoms can occur for lots of reasons aside from cancer, so try not to worry, but do get back in touch with your GP. I hope they can help. 

    All the best, 


  • I've got the same as you, feels like something sticking in my throut and makes me cough, I also have been getting pains in one ear, then the other ear, I've had this for about 8 months now, the doctor sent me for a camera down my throat, but they couldn't see anything, so my doctor said it will be reflux, I've also been on the internet as I have arthritis, so I typed in, can someone get arthritis in the throat, the answear was yes, and it went on about it, but ! I've got the same symptoms as you, and that's what my doctor said after the camera finding nothing. So let's both hope that's all it is. Let me know how you go on" and take care. P.s. and now and then I get a crocky voice.

  • Hi all


    So I've just referred to an ENT too , I have constant feeling of something stuck in throat,  ear pain and neck pain. Also my glands hurt alot. No visible lumps or swelling any where on neck. I get chest pain too and pains like stabbing in my throat.  I've been to 2 doctors who say its nothing to worry about but I dont know. How can these symptoms be still going on after a month. I'm currently on tablets for silent reflux and a nasal spray for post nasal drip. But still the same. I'm so worried its bad as I've 3 small kids under 5. 

    Hopefully the ENT appointment will be clear 

  • Hi and thanks for posting

    It's good nothing was picked up by the endoscopy, but I can imagine it's frustrating to still have these symptoms.

    Acid reflux is very common , though as you mentioned you have ear pain , this isn't necessarily connected.

    As it may be ear wax pressing on your eardrum or an infection, do make an appointment with the GP so they can take a look at your ears. You can also have a chat with them again about your concerns regarding the croaky voice and cough, especially if you haven't seen them for a few months and are still present.

    All the best


  • Hi I feel relieved reading your post  If that doesnt sound selfish as I dont wish this  on anyone , you are  not alone with this problem , I'm currantly having the same problem , as if Ive swallowed a pin feeling and its lodged in my throat around the adams apple area , 

    Funny thing is this is the 2nd time in 3 yrs this has occured its the most frightening worrying thing I've had to go through , especailly now I cant be seen asap  because of Covid , my GP has requested an emergency ENT referral I'm crying counting the days its terrible  sensation  I'm experiencing I'm trying my hardest not to let the anxiety I'm feeling run riot with my mind ,feel so alone with this and I'm not sleeping properly , 

    3 yrs ago I underwent tests to try and find out what was causing my problems 

    I've had the camera up my nose 5 times , scans , X rays , more scans , food swallow tests   nothing revealed   the reasons for  the sharpness feeling , I say SHARPNESS as its not  LUMP sensation I've had GERD for 12 years its nothing to do with stomach acid  either .

    I've recently suffered 3 TIA'S  at the early age of 57 yrs of age  which is worrying as Ive read numeroues post can be brough on my an illness called Eagles Sydrnome very rare  illness and hard to detect ,

    This time I want answers I cant keep going through this , I wamt to know did this problem 3 yrs ago bring on my  mini strokes , I had 3 TIA's in a year , 

    I just want the cobsultants to listen to me as a patient I know my own body I know somethings not right , 

    Sick of repeated earache ,headaches ,neck tension and dry mouth symptoms , 

    I was asked if my anxiety brings on the feeling and funny enough it doesnt , the sensation comes on if I chew to long raise my voice as to shout and always when eating something , think my husband thinks I'm going crazy , 

    Hope you get answers real soon ,

    Take care



  • I have this exact thing. Not a lump. But in my case as yours I came to the thought of it feeling like a hair stuck(as I have a very long beard) about a finger length under my tongue(past my teeth. Almost by my tonsils) I'm loosing sleep. Have noticed my appetite going. It's been like it for months. The issue that's getting me is that recently,  as in last few days. I have had reflux etc. So I can say that mines not being caused by this. So I don't just want to go the dr saying I feel I've got a hair stuck as think I'll just get jogged on lol. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting on the forum,

    Whenever someone complains of symptoms that won't go away we always suggest that they get checked out by their doctor. We can't diagnose you as it is really only a doctor who can do a medical examination and if necessary organise some tests who will be able to get to the bottom of the symptoms that you have been experiencing.

    Acid reflux can be uncomfortable but there are various medications that the doctor can prescribe which will really help but they may want to rule out what is causing it first. It may also help to have a look at your diet to see whether there are certain food stuffs that are causing your symptoms. Have a look at what the NHS have to say about acid reflux here

     I can't say what is causing you the feeling like you have got a hair stuck in you throat but do mention this all to the doctor.

    Your GP is used to listening to all sorts of unusual complaints and it is always a good idea to give your doctor a complete picture of your different symptoms. 

    I do hope that you find out what is going on soon. If you want to chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then do get back to us.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best Wishes,


  • I have had the same feeling since August 2020 after drinking diet coke from the can. I went in to a&e where I was told to go home and have a fizzy drink. Obviously due to covid I came back home.

    Recently I have been getting headaches, pain in throat, diarrhoea, chest pain and pain in the ears. I have had x Ray which confirmed multiple swelling in my throat. I am waiting to talk to the consultant on Wednesday. I'm very anxious. Don't know if its throat cancer.