FAQ Registering as a new member

Before you can post or reply to a message on Cancer Chat you will need to register as a member.

From the home page or anywhere on the site, click on the pink Join button


1. Choose a username. To protect your privacy do not use your full name. You can pick anything you like but it must contain three or more characters and you may only use _ - or . to separate words (no spaces)

2. Enter your email address. This will not be published but will enable you to receive notifications when someone replies to your post

3 Create a secure password. This must include 8 characters, 1 capital letter, 1 number and a special character #?!$%^&*-

4. Tick to agree to the Terms & Conditions.  Don't forget to opt in to receive news and updates from Cancer Chat

5. Click the pink Join button

You will automatically be signed in and can participate in the community by creating or replying to a post.